Stumptown (2019)
Betamax78 -11 points 4 years ago.

Mindless drivel for slack-jawed drooling yokels obviously filmed in Vancouver with the cheap Canadian production vales and corny Canadian vibe . Why is all network TV still all garbage pandering to the lowest common denominator ? I guess only idiots still watch conventional TV ?

Ditzygypsy 2 points 4 years ago.

You might be surprised at all the things that have been, and are, filmed in BC. Not just Vancouver. From Mission Impossible to The Man in the High Castle, and many, many other movies and series both with big and small budgets and names. The recent “The Bletchley Circle: San Francisco” was filmed here entirely using BC talent except for the two main characters who were from the first series. This show is filmed partly here and partly in Oregon, where it is supposed to take place, and some additional shots are done in L.A. This might not be the best show ever made, but it’s hardly the worst.