WHY in the World Are They Spraying? (2012)
finigan1 0 points 5 years ago*.

Very informative and disturbing documentary, there have been many conspiracy theories of governments and private corporations trying to control the weather for many years.This proves that it is not just a half baked idea some nutter came up with.With the high levels of chemicals released and the reaction they are known to create in the atmosphere there is no denying that they are, making some places a dust bowl and others lush and green.Any sensible person knows what happens when you mess with mother nature,but money never makes anyone see any sense, besides cents on the dollar.This really does bring a new meaning to ecological terrorism.

Tiger8me 1 points 5 years ago.

And they are only beginning to see some of the fall out of Geo-engineering/chem trails. Like trees dying at the root system, which is why so many are falling over in these high wind storms, that are also increasing in intensity every year. It’s already 20 degrees warmer at our coldest period, and only for 2-3 days at a strecth instead of 2-3 weeks. And that is just since I moved to the “Cariboo” of BC in 2011. It never came above zero from November until the end of April…now it comes above zero every 3-5 days, then dips back to the minus, comes back up…crazy weather. And then there’s the wildfires increasing every year. Psychopaths suffering from greed should not be running this planet…lol.