Hempsters: Plant the Seed (2010)
Krl246 1 points 5 years ago.

The thing with legalization is that it isn’t quite what is happening. The gov’t wants to be able to make money off a product that is inflated in value due to it’s black-market sales. So instead of freely growing and using it, you need gov’t consent to grow, market, and, sell. It will still be criminalized to sell or grow, in much the same way tobacco is, invariably leading to large companies and special interest groups spending millions to further regulate and control the flow of money to them. Without those restrictions in place the value of a weed that can grow almost anywhere would fall to zero.Even in my hometown they don’t even want to make concessions for medical needs patients to grow there own.

finigan1 0 points 5 years ago*.

In the states that is true, but here we are aloud to grow 4 plants per adult in a household, they saw that there would be many people taking advantage of the new laws with there being no real access to it for quite awhile in a regulated way. There is no shops where you can buy it legally yet, so they gave people the right to grow their own to try and stop the illegal flow. Many still get it illegally because they don’t have the space the money for equipment or the know how even though it is very easy to grow.They pretty much have given everybody the freedom to do their own thing.And with proper conditions 4 plants, (my bro and I have seven one short of the limit) can produce a pound or more.The laws in the states are shaped for big business, but here its do your own thing without worry.It is illegal to grow outside though unless you are in the middle of no where which sucks because everyone would have some in their backyard, but that is because of kids which is not only to be expected but also very wise.Don’t want some dumbass kids raiding my garden.