Sicko (2007)
Pseudonym -5 points 4 years ago*.

Because he aggressively refuses to take the hint that, when you are on the right side of an argument/history, you DO NOT NEED to make arguments in bad faith; in fact, historically it almost always does more harm than good.

I mean, seriously, if I were a Koch Brother, and I wanted to invent someone to steer progressive discourse to my advantage… Someone who would crusade to CONSISTENTLY derail the few meaningful ideological discussions which DO arise into reactionary, tribal slogans to yell past one another…

Someone who could do it all: to those inclined to agree, promote a mindset and talking points mired in self-righteous class resentment rather than strategic class struggle. To those NOT inclined to agree, to be self-appointed Strawman General of talk-show-land, learning nothing from ceaseless, infuriatingly problematic use of disingenuous half-truths and questionable framings. And to those who don’t really know, aren’t very political: half the time older ones are gonna feel defensive or dismissive before a word of substance gets spoken; and the younger ones, bred to smell partisan-hackery a mile away, are gonna go full cringe at a range of rhetorical/theatrical stunts so tired and anemic they were prolly interviewed in this film

bcjammerx -4 points 4 years ago.

you could more succinctly have said to fact check him. He lies and exaggerates, plain and simple.