The Dark Red (2020)
BellaMia1 1 points 4 years ago.

This should’ve been so much better, for the premise sounded good. Had they spent time delving more into the secret group and their story. They spent too much time dragging on about the sessions with the doctor, which took a good half of the movie. Things started to move only toward the movie, and it was predictable. Couldn’t help but think about “I spit on your grave”. As a matter of fact, the main actress looked a LOT like Sarah Butler. Not good. Characters development and more background on the group, should’ve been the way to go. But also, more should’ve been told about the “supernatural blood”. What we’re told is that she has it, they want it, and that’s it. It ends without more answers. And that’s unfortunate, for it started so well. OK if one has nothing to do.