Defending Jacob (2020)
Empressvibes 4 points 4 years ago.

thank you to this site for all you do, feel free to delete this comment if need be but my appreciation is immense. Thank you for the links + work you do on here

PacificLilly 2 points 4 years ago.

I second this! Empressvibes, I completely agree with you. I’m also immensely appreciative and very greatful. ❤💖

I stumbled onto your comment while looking into a recommendation for a new show to watch. And I’m so happy to get to read that you feel the same way about this site! ☺ It’s refreshing and I’m thrilled to see a compliment or acknowledgment of all the hard work that goes into this place. 👍❤

What this site provides us all is such a gift. This place and the users here have kept me sane and made my life so much more enjoyable… so much so that I can’t even begin to tell you. And all of this website’s contributors, the Dev_Team, the Moderators and all of the users who volunteer and help out here are truly amazing and IMHO are rockstars! ☺😍🎸🎤🌟💫🎉💖 Cheers Empressvibes! And Cheers Primewire! ❤

Btw, yes I know that I’m very sappy but it doesn’t make this any less true. Lol 😉😆