Survive the Night (2020)
Liberace's Ghost 1 points 3 years ago.

Imo, this movie was terrible. Completely absurd plot points & situations. That being said, & as others have already stated, he’s had legal issues & likely motivated by greed. Also, a lot of the garbage straight to video movies he’s most likely made for easy money. For example, he had a demand of 1 million $ per day while Expendables 3 was filming. He was reportedly offered 3 million for 4 days work & demanded an extra million. He was subsequently written out of the script after his demands weren’t met. There’s many actors that don’t conform with as you mentioned are ‘corrupt political views of Hollywood’. And while you are entitled to your opinions & p.o.v. There’s no need to bring politics into this, it is a movie site. Not everything is tinted thru a political lens. But, you’re entitled to your opinion. Cheers

Epitaf 0 points 3 years ago.

I didn’t “bring politics into this”. It is simply what it is. Blackballing someone because they hold different political opinions than you is by definition a form of corruption. It’s not much different than refusing to hire someone because of their race.