The Sopranos (1999) S1 E2
Canuckian 1 points 4 years ago.

I know i am 20 yrs late to the party, but the only reason I have never watched this yet is because of how disappointing the ending supposedly was….and for me, knowing that the ending is NOT good, that it leaves too many unanswered questions etc. BEFORE i even watch a show is normally a deal breaker..but so few shows had the fan base as The Sopranos which is why the supposed bad ending was so upsetting at the time..hell, i remember it being all over the news back in the day lol..anyways, i have been looking for something a little older to watch and get into lately and this show came across my watch list so i figured what the hell…so, as a first time Soprano watcher, is there anything i need to know before i get more than 2 episodes in? lol

Infinitystar 2 points 3 years ago.

I think its more that we as fans did not want it to end but I thought the ending suited the show. The truth is the ending is odd not bad, but there are no unanswered questions at least not for me.