3rd Reich: Hitler's UFOs and the Nazi's Most Powerful Weapon (2017)
It's_A_TV_Site_U_Loser 1 points 3 years ago.

Wait … do you think that the House of Representatives and the Senate had nothing to do with those decisions?

Lol. That’s adorable.

ps - are you embarrassed that a foreigner knows more about how your government works than you do?

pps - do you think posting political comments on a TV Streaming site has a real effect on the world?

That’s also adorable.

Betamax78 1 points 3 years ago.

whats adorable is how oblivious you people are to how we don’t make distinctions between parties in your joke of a demockery of a coin-toss coke/pepsi laughing stock of a political “system” ( your democrats would mostly all be considered right wing c conservatives in the civilized world ) and we are all equally disgusted by that despicable cancer on humanity of a country ,America as a whole !