Tucker Carlson Tonight (2016)
peternorth 5 points 3 years ago.

I wonder how he got caught? I can only imagine how much money has been spent by the left in order to dig up any kind of dirt they can find to hurt or “cancel” Tucker Carlson. I imagine he’s one of the biggest thorns in their side right now.

ObserverMI 4 points 3 years ago.

CNN got tipped off from someone within the blog. Over a long period of time, they put two and two together as Blake got a little too confident and left ‘easter eggs’, information on something coming up ‘on a show’. They knew this poster was a ‘true insider’ so quite a few followed him. They searched and kept the comments of his. And when the same ‘key words’ actually did show up on a national show, they were able to link him to it.