Believers (2020)
Sa7ori 0 points 3 years ago.

I know the supernatural is real, but what people call ghosts are actually demons. Ghosts do not exist! What people think of as ghosts are either Angels or demons manifesting in the image of persons that have lived in order to help or hurt us.
You are never supposed to commune with the dead because in reality you are really entertaining demons. They interpret that as an invitation, or welcome to my home, come on in!
On the flip side of the supernatural, you might have an experience with an angel ~ they do good works, & help guide us.
The only conversation you should have with a demon is when you are commanding it get out in the name of Jesus. I would love to see one of these shows get it right and film the truth for once. I guess that won’t happen because too many would accuse it of being like a religious program, smh.
There was something in the house I grew up in but it was benevolent. I would see things out of the corner of my eye all the time, but when I would investigate nothing was there. We would hear footsteps throughout the house during the night when everyone was in bed. Small unexplained instances happened once in a while.