Justified (2010) S1 E4
Dread Pirate Robert 3 points 4 years ago*.

What’s with the spoiler ridden summary?

mikebcarguy 1 points 3 years ago.

That IS one freakishly, “spoiler ridden summary.” Hahaha — I’m glad I don’t read them beforehand.

I was just thinking how simpleminded I am for letting the final thirty seconds influence my judgement of episodes…in this one the younger woman, thinking he’s asleep, tries on his cowboy hat…with his eyes still closed he quietly asks if it fit…it was just so touching I cried (not unto itself, but for what’d been discussed earlier, and for what he knew and how she lied — or not really lied, but….).
It was meaningfull, and I had to share that, and your comment was truly funny after reading the summary!