Cuties (2020)
shiftypickle 0 points 3 years ago.

Who in the fuck are you addressing with this comment? It’s worded like its addressed to everyone on earth and yet a very specific subset of people simultaneously. Are you really retarded enough to think that people who glorify sexualizing young girls in real life are the ones complaining about this film? And are you seriously making excuses for, and endorsing it? How mentally handicapped are you? Your entire comment reads like the ramblings of a mental patient that spends too much time in conspiracy forums and decided to take a 5 minute break to pen an impassioned explanation of why a film about 10 years olds twerking is a quality production. i like the part where you try and make the point that there is a message contained in this film about young women discovering their bodies and their sexuality. That part is hilarious, it’s almost like you want to just come right out and say that age is just a number and that 10 year olds are capable of making decisions about their own bodies. But that would be insane wouldn’t it? Because most of the ten year olds i have ever seen want to spend most of their time watching barney re-runs and finger painting or sucking on their thumb. The simple idea that there are adults who think that 10, 11, even 12 year olds possess any level of sexuality that they’re interested in exploring or developing, absent the influence of adults is laughably false and downright delusional.

stay in your moms basement and PLEASE stop masturbating to child porn

etim 1 points 3 years ago.

Did YOU watch the film?