Bad President (2021)
howlingdog 0 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Was not impeached and has done more good for the country than any president in the last 30 years and unlike the garbage you are spewing there are actual facts and numbers that back my claim up.. You are just regurgitating what your media overlords have programmed you to because you are too blinded by you uniformed hatred for Trump and too lazy to research and find out the truth.. So it is ok with you that the first thing Biden and Harris will do if elected is abolish the “filibuster” and stack the supreme court?? Do you even know the filibuster is or what packing the supreme means or like most left wing fanatics are you completely uniformed and base your opinions on fairy tales?? Are you ok with the fact that a former scretary of state spied on her rivals presidential campaign and started a false flag hoax about Russian collusion only to distract from all the crimes she is guilty of?? Is it ok with you that the sitting president at the time and the VP Biden were briefed on this plan prior to it and still allowed it to happen?? For fuck sake man what is wrong with you get your head out of your ass…

dissock 5 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

This is you, 8 hours ago: ‘Was not impeached’. This is ObserverMI 13 hours ago:’His impeachment was based on frustration…’.

You are both Trump supporters - and you can’t get the story straight on such a simple, easily-confirmed issue such as whether he was impeached or not? You two are pivoting so hard, you’re bumping heads like a really bad sketch comedy skit minus banana peels and coconut cream pies.

Seriously, if you can’t even get impeachment right, how credible do you think any of the other ‘facts’ are that you’ve stated? (Hint: they’re about as credible as Hitler would have been had he said, “All lives matter”).