Unfit: The Psychology of Donald Trump (2020)
Bkr2110 5 points 3 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

I didn’t think this movie was very good. Regarding US politics, Obama had to deal with the Bush recession. A record number of people were on food stamps under Obama. 95% of the jobs he supposedly helped create as part of the slowest economic recovery in history were part-time or contract. Trump doesn’t hide his temper as well as Biden but in my opinion, like him or not, he seems more cognizant, fit in that regard. Hunter Biden is on tape bragging about his and Joe’s relationship with “the f*cking Communist Chinese spy chief”.

Hunter arranged White House visits with Mexican businessmen and seemed very involved and enriched by it all. Burisma hired Hunter with the purpose of meeting the State Department. Biden visited the Ukraine within a month of his requested presence. Seems clear now Trump was impeached for what Biden did. Texts say not to refer to him by name. Most believe he is referred to as “the big guy”. 10% to 50% kickbacks on deals are alleged. This election is about issues, not personalities.

People don’t care if Biden or Trump are honest businessmen. Biden is a former segregationist who didn’t want his kids raised in a “racial jungle” and voted for every war in his 47 years in office, sending (primarily) the poor off to receive and partake in big budget atrocities, many returning dead, psychologically haunted or maimed for life, some on unauthorized extended duties with no relief in sight. He voted to tax social security and advocated repeatedly for cost of living freezes for seniors in need as Bernie pointed out.

He supported a disastrous crime bill that went after people, destroying the lives of mostly young people, many of them black lives, for minor drug offenses, all the while pulling strings to get leniency for his son’s drug offenses. He is adamant marijuana is a gateway drug. I am not a drug user but I know people who smoke pot and they haven’t moved onto anything heavier though. They are completely harmless and functional.

He struggled with a pandemic and got poor reviews by some health authorities. Not just Trump. No new wars under Trump which I am happy about. Under Obama/Biden we were in 8. Obama supported terrorists in Libya who advocated slavery and black slaves were auctioned off there in chains in 2017 due in large part to his decision to get involved there.

Young voter participation is up 200% and these Bernie Socialists who didn’t make it a priority to go to the polls in the past will likely tip this for Biden. Biden is winning amongst 18-34 and 65 and up. Trump is winning the rest, overwhelmingly amongst workers. I am hoping for the best with a President Biden which seems likely. Bernie is a more honest left winger in my opinion. I would have preferred a Trump/Sanders matchup. I am anti-war, pro civil liberties more than anything.

SnakePliscan 1 points 3 years ago.

Some really good points, is that snake Harris gonna help Biden get votes anywhere but california ?