A Serbian Film (2010)
cloroxbleach 2 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

This film is over-the-top ridiculous. I’m not sure if it’s supposed to be an extreme (very extreme) parody of Serbian stereotypes or what exactly the filmmaker was trying to accomplish. It’s actually filmed nicely, from a cinematography perspective, there’s good pacing and lighting, and the tension really is palpable.
However, it’s really kind of pointless. I like a lot of “extreme cinema” (such as the original French “Martyrs” and other Extreme French Horror, Michael Hanneke’s films, “Taxidermia” from Hungary, etc)—- but this one just feels empty and shallow. It’s needlessly gross, to the point of being almost laughable. There’s certainly moments that are meant to be darkly humorous in their extremism, but the hype of it being “the worst/most extreme/fvcked up film ever made” falls very flat because it just lacks any depth whatsoever. It’s reminiscent of something like “Hostel”, a vague storyline with an excuse to try and shock people. For people like me, who can appreciate extremism in art, this offers basically nothing.
The main actor who plays “Vukmir”, Zika Todorovic, is the son of legend Bora Todorovic, and his acting style is quite like that of his father. I feel his skills are completely wasted on a movie like this. I wasn’t “offended”, just bored. People walk into this one expecting to be offended and will be, even knowing that of course, it is all just a movie (gross as some scenes may be). To me this is just another type of “Human Centipede” movie, it offers very little beyond shock value.
I hope that foreigners unfamiliar with Serbia will not assume that anything in this film is representative of the whole of Serbia and its culture.
Would I recommend this film? Not really, unless you like seeing extreme cinema for the sake of extremity. There are plenty of far better films from Serbia to see, of course that are nothing like this.
I do think people need to calm down about this film though, it is literally only a movie, and not a particularly noteworthy one at that. If you have a dark sense of humor, there are certain scenes that you might make you smirk, but otherwise? It’s pretty hollow and boring.