Star Trek: Discovery (2017) S3 E9
expresso 4 points 3 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

-That dude on the “Planet on the rim of the galaxy” is classic TOS. The episode plotline comes out of nowhere, no continuity with rest of season, they don’t even bother to tie him to some kind of known life form or intelligence. Bam, a John Steele impersonator from mid 20th century Earth with a newspaper on an uninhabited planet at the rim of the galaxy, just because we can.
-Hell To The Yes Terran Empire 2.0.
-‘Woke Emperor’ is classic TOS. Cheesy and moralistic and as subtle as a 2x4. Love it. You can tell the cast had a blast doing this episode.
-Uninhabited “Planet on the rim of the galaxy” seems to primarily feature a rando US sand quarry in winter rimmed with typical mid-century state conservation program white pine and Colorado spruce tree plantings. It’s like they walked outside of a research park and said yep get’er done.
-Federation Admiral gains +2 charisma.