Before the Wrath (2020)
DebbyDebb -1 points 3 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

Jesus said “they will hate you because they first hated me”. And this is so true. The Cahtholic religion has caused a lot of problems in the name of God. I’m a born again Christian. I don’t believe in religion. As you can see by every single Christian show on here, the haters are real. It doesn’t surprise me in the least. It used to make me very upset but I remember what Christ Himself said and I just feel really bad for those who feel they have to attack those who believe differently than they do. Fairytales? Hmmmmmm. I beg to differ. And in this world we live in, people would be smart if they turned to the God they think is so horrible instead of turning against Him. Do your research. Read the Bible. But honestly you don’t even have to do that. If you have questions, google them. And honestly, if there is a show on something I don’t believe in, I don’t watch it. And I especially don’t watch it and then bash all the people who you do not know, and put hurtful and hateful comments on. But again, for so many reasons, I’m not surprised by the Christian bashing. It actually proves my point. Oh and in the end we will ALL find who is right and who is wrong. I’m happy to be on the right side. God Bless you.

NoelCoyotebleu 2 points 3 years ago.

Therein lies the rub, being on the ‘right’ side. My post that said live and let live, to the person who what spouting intolerance got removed, lol. I did some research on this movie, for a documentary, and claiming they have new ‘evidence’, which I was interested in seeing, they had none. Throughout the longgggg video, they just said they have evidence. They didn’t even cite specific passages in the Bible.