The Walking Dead (2010)
bcjammerx -6 points 4 years ago.

the show hasn’t changed since the first two seasons, it’s been mind numbing since then. How anyone with intelligence can bare to watch this wash/rinse/repeat dreg is beyond me. you fanboys need to open your eyes…the show has been a freaking zombie since season 3…how ironic. Nothing new, same lame shizz over and over and over and over. That you enjoy such mindknumbing stupidity isn’t our fault but yours XD Sorry the rest of us have actually good taste and you clearly don’t. Don’t hate because you’re a simpleton and we aren’t.

Rollin 8 points 3 years ago.

People can like things that you don’t. It’s called “freedom”. Forcing people to agree with you so you feel validated in opinion is your problem to solve; no one’s obligated to agree with anyone.