Sun Ra: A Joyful Noise (2006)
cloroxbleach 5 points 3 years ago.

Oh, this is a wonderful upload, I can’t wait to revisit it. If anyone out there is unfamiliar with Sun Ra and you like experimental music—- you will dig this. Sun Ra was avant-garde even for that scene, but there’s a distinct lack of pretentiousness that makes even his most bizarre works inviting and curious. There are few artists out there anymore who have this type of enmeshment of their inner and outer selves, tangling with their creative blood, manifesting (in this case) as sounds. Roll one up and chill out with Sun Ra on a boring day, you won’t be disappointed.

SJ Robert 4 points 3 years ago*.

Looking forward to this. I once saw Sun Ra and his Cosmic Arkestra back in the early ‘80’s, I think. At one point, in the middle of the cacophony, he stopped playing, pulled out his telescope, and looked up through it - to receive further instructions from his home planet, Saturn - and then resumed playing. He was (is) quite a spirit.