A Teacher (2020)
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the2nd 3 points 3 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

I would have to somewhat agree with you. The boy in THIS film in a m2f relationship wouldn’t have been damaged psychologically as hetero males use sex (esp with a “hot teacher”) as a trophy. If this would have been a m2m relationship then I could see some issues as the younger may have identity issues still. The ending was terrible. They both were consenting individuals who pursued each other. At age 17, he was legal by law. The only thing legally she did wrong was she was a teacher and the law sees that as being persuasive to young minds. A 17 yr old can drive and be accountable for manslaughter but can’t decide who to fck, right?? He was 2 months away or so from being legally able to vote, smoke, and held liable in contracts.