Hollywood (1980)
Mr_Cary_Grant 1 points 3 years ago.

I have ( 2 ) comments that I would like to make about uploading links and giving ratings. First the new trend in newer members of (and only in television listings) only putting ONE link for a series when the rest are out there (these are mainly Youtube link listing) and they’re what too lazy to complete the listings? Just get your what 30 points that don’t mean ANYTHING? Second, the jackass(‘) whom comes along and doesn’t even WATCH the show or series and if there is a (5 - Star) rating and no other rating they’ll automatically click the 1 - Star rating to lower it to a 3. What are you a frigin child??? For instance here this documentary has been given the highest honors all the way around and was seen completely by the person whom gave the rating. It’s not just this one, go ahead look around if you find something without a rating give a 5 - star and watch how fast the little child does his or her thing (then you can rate it the way you would like).