WandaVision (2021)
Farmboy41 10 points 3 years ago*.

It shouldn’t even take that long. So many people have no understanding about what is truly happening here because, they have no background on Scarlet Witch, other that what they have seen in the Marvel movies. The situation reminds me of a friend that told me that they walked out of Alien 30 minutes in because there was nothing happening. LOL

the2nd 2 points 3 years ago.

I agree with you. I love superhero shows and movies but never been a comic person growing up. I started watching to support Marvel and give it a chance. I was lost. The laugh track I understand but was annoying. After watching ep 2, I researched into Scarlet Witch and little more. It appears something is to come but when?? My ignorance on the character makes it more difficult but will continue to watch at least a few more eps to see where it goes. EVERYONE: I advise not to write this off just yet. Google ‘scarlet witch’ :)