Servant (2019) S2 E3
joshmajor1987 4 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

So I guess season 1 was just meant to be insanely slow and boring for the entire season Lol It’s like it just kept dragging on and on when it should of ended after 1-3 episodes. If your reading this tho then ya probably already know that huh haha This season tho is like a whole new producer and/writer took charge and decided no more pointless, boring episodes! We’re gonna make it what it should of been! This is only episode 3 tho, which was pretty d@mn awesome Lol Well worth the watch!! I can honestly say I never looked forward to the next episode in season 1, this season I’m catching myself looking for it. This episode and the last 2 have been non-stop action! A pizza company from scratch that only delivers to one neighborhood haha Hundreds of dollars later and BAM!! There she is Lol Sorry for the book

UGuess 1 points 3 years ago*.

lol and yet I’m still here anticipating the next episode. I just really want to know who does baby Jericho belong to. Please someone tell me