Prodigal Son (2019) S2 E5
ObserverMI 1 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

“Fred…move your head”
I can’t help it, I LOVE this show dad!”

This episode was good yet not as smart as usual. I guessed the main plot early on yet the ‘subplot’ is getting better and more intriguing.

How they’re moving Ainsley into the plot is brilliant. She’s feeling/becoming more of what she ‘is’ and it’s wonderful to see play out.

And now, how ‘mom and dad’ are going to work together to ‘try’ and protect their ‘offspring’ from the dangers of ‘good ol dad’, is another twist that begs for more.

This is not only a rich character driven show yet smartly driven by all of the excellent played and thought out characters it provides.

Surely my most favorite show playing and well worth the watch YET…. start from the beginning so you don’t miss a single well layered build of an excellent story.