Game of Thrones (2011) S8 E6
coyotejoe -2 points 5 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

So the moral of this story is betrayers cowards and reluctant heroes get rewarded. I was hoping Drogon would resurrect Dany in Dragon Fire and she could come back and reap vengeance, she saved them all from the Night King, Cersi and liberated hundreds of thousands only to get shanked WTF. Leaders should WANT to lead, be strong and sometimes make the hard choices not hide in the shadows while others sacrifice and do the hard work. Guess what Tyrion didn’t want to die, Only took 60 sec of convincing for Jon to be duped into killing his girlfriend (Jon Snow to dumb to be King). Tyrion Sansa and Jon should of all died in my opinion. (Great story teller)??? Bran is qualified to be an advisor nothing more. Its over im disappointed