Norm Macdonald: Hitler's Dog, Gossip & Trickery (TV Special 2017) (2017)
puppy528 4 points 3 years ago.

I have the exact same situation with Will Farrell. I get that people like him, I’ve sincerely tried to like his more popular movies, but I just don’t “get it”. Diff’rent Strokes, I suppose.
I do like Norm Macdonald, most of the time. Gets a bit too meta for me here and there, but he has a very sharp, trolling sort of wit, and I personally can’t think of a comedian better than him at telling an “anti-joke”.

mantistoboggan3 4 points 3 years ago.

totally agree with you, same thing with Farell, he can be good but goes for the terrible joke over and over. the thing about these people they make millions and millions of dollars and always seem to go for the cheap laugh instead of being intelligent. And people seem to take it very personal if you criticize their favorites . i say i don’t like Norm but i’ve watched his movies, dirty work is kinda funny, watched his specials, i just don’t see what every one else sees