Godzilla vs. Kong (2021)
marll 1 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

That was pretty much the worst film I have ever seen.
Apppalling. Like a parade of cut scenes from a video game. This is a film that exists only to make money. It is almost totally bereft of any artistic qualities. In the same way that Alien v Predator destroyed the Alien canon, so does this for King Kong. A Citizen Kane in comparison. Making Kong speak was the worst and most pathetic moment one in which you realise this film is just risible garbage. Kong and Godzilla become buddies at the end. I thought they were going to go off to a movie together. THe battles took place on toy sets. No regard again for the logic that each bout would kill thousands of people. The Hollow Earth stuff was pathetic.
Absolute grabage heap.

joeinwb 2 points 3 years ago*.

Thank god some people have taste in this world. Was getting scared with all the good reviews.