Nyugalom (2008)
Dodi 4 points 3 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

The title means “calm”, totally Lovecraftian. lol But the subject is dark and evil, showing the sadistic way Soviet Communism twisted it’s great talents into the dust, and it’s consequent collateral damage.

glostarz999 2 points 3 years ago.

In a weird kind of way I do actually associate Lovecraft with ‘calm’ because my ex girlfriend bought me a cuddly plush toy Cthulhu for my birthday about two decades ago and I slept with it on my pillow for years. Think he saved me from quite a few nightmares. He was a cute little bugger but I must have lost him moving house one time. I miss him to be honest. He wasn’t quite as terrifying when he was only nine inches tall and smiling at you and really soft and snuggly. I will just stress here that there was no sex involved. Our relationship was way above any of that mucky stuff. That’s just really nasty and it’s unhygienic too. I will watch this film eventually. Got a hell of a long list of stuff to watch right now and there are only so many hours in a day.