Shameless (2011) S11 E12
Kid Kryptonite 6 points 3 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

Such a bittersweet ending to this great series and actually made me respect how realistic to life than a simple clean ending. I know we all wanted to see the queen Emma Rossum return but the flashbacks with Frank were enough. The fact that no one cared about his note and was said at end was the perfect time because Frank was shit and they should move on like the time they threw him over the bridge after he ruined Fiona’s wedding and thought he was dead after being in coma before and returning. I want the best for these characters and if you saw Hall of Shame with Frank you can believe they did better than this. Ultimately, Shameless got me through a time and relates a lot to my family in a lot of ways that always showed heart to the dirty deeds they did. Will be missed and better than the UK version, fight me about it!!!