Hell's Kitchen (2005) S20 E2
AnimeLord 2 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Vlogger uses meat thermometer food still RAW plus giddy attitude.
Alaska Girl Born n Raised can’t cook Salmon and horrible Signature dish.
Ramsay is back in Kitchen Nightmares!

UGuess 1 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Because of the purposes of this season, I would let both those issues pass. They are not fighting for an executive chef position, but to be his apprentice, protege. Ramsey had to show them how to make scallops aka they are young (still learning). But to choose between raw salmon or raw chicken, it’s always raw chicken. And Mr. Raw Chicken ended up leaving anyway. Who’s to say how far Ms. Raw Salmon would’v made it. I anticipation some leniency than other seasons of Hell Kitchen but expected the eliminations to make sense. SB: Others screwed up on Salmon…really thought it was going to be a total of 3 eliminations or at least a warning