Big Brother (2001) S13 E21
Katreena 3 points 2 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

I was glad to see Mary evicted. GLAD!! After the way she treated SJ, and then actually having the audacity to think AJ should have chosen to have taken her with her to HoH. Yeah, I have no love lost for Mary at all. Christina DOES NOT deserve to go, she’s been a bulldog the last several games, and EARNED the right to be there. Danny’s getting a bit too full of himself …. he needs to back it up while he can. I like Marley …. he has a soul, and feelings, which is more than I can say for some. I just don’t want him to make it to final 3. GOD!! I’m going to be ready for a nerve pill, and a shot of straight whiskey by the time this show is done for the season!!!!!!!!!!