Big Brother (2001) S13 E31
TheAbsintheFairey 3 points 2 years ago.

Yessss!!! Right result from who was left! Wasnt there a fan fave award tho? Have to admit I got fed up with all the chat and skipped to near the end lmfaooooo

UGuess 1 points 2 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

You did better than me-I immediately fast forwared to the end, then read the spoilers on line for the inbetween and then came back and watched like 20 mins before the ending (I was over it), LOL. I wanted to hear them announce fan fave and when I didn’t hear anything about fan fave I was and still am confused…What’s the deal?? Thought I missed something

Better not try to call another BB twist (aka cheap)