Arrow (2012) S4 E5
Jack Reacher 1 points 2 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

You got to be kidding us ,after so many prays and requests ,Ray was finally dead now , suddenly outta nowhere he’s alive after such a long time everything was back everything was good ,but they have to bring back the most unwanted , useless and annoying character of all times Ray Palmer ,damn it why?! Just why ,filicity settled peacefully with Oliver ,we got our Sara back n everything was good but no ,now lemme run a wild guess what’s gonna happen in next few episodes ,after getting news that Ray is alive ,Filicity will go to Oliver to help Ray n as always our hero Oliver still hasn’t proposed Filicity now the tensions will again rise between Ray and Filicity n as always Oliver will be under a false belief that Filicity is happy that Ray is back n he ,for the sake of Filicity’s happyness will not propose her then everything will go back to “crap triangle”, between Oliver Filicity and most unwanted character Ray.😩