The Amityville Asylum (2013)
BellaMia1 1 points 5 years ago.

Why bother slap the name of Amityville to this turkey? To sucker us in and by curiosity, I did. No, bad idea. Slow, boring, cliche. And of course in these days and age, another freaking movie with men displaying rapist behavior. I’m sooo tired of director and writers, using a female character who is mentally affected or on the verge of a nervous breakdown. It’s been done to the bone. And it’s insulting. These guys should spent less time developing rapists and more time developing an ACTUAL story that makes sense. Goes to show what they really think about. Ugh. The acting is horrendous, the plot is nonsensical, it’s plainly boring. I didn’t bother to make it to the end, for my brain was tainted enough. Pass your turn. Don’t bother.