Wentworth (2013) S6 E6
8STORY8 0 points 4 years ago*.

Damn that was good. Tight writing! And, I’m always amazed at how each season’s addition of a new character(s) is so thoroughly compelling, all of them. And, this season’s introduction of Rita, wow. Actress Lea Purcell who plays Rita Conner is fantastic. She holds and carries a scene so compellingly, and even from the get-go, episode one, before any significant character development. “Multi talented Leah Purcell is a Theatre, Film and Television Actress, Singer, Director, Playwright and Author. She is the youngest of seven children of Aboriginal Australian descent…” Read more on Leah Purcell HERE on IMDB And, over all, the entire Auzzie cast is damn impressive. And I recommend an interesting show and interview with Leah Purcell on this episode of Anh’s Brush with Fame, that you can watch right HERE on Primewire. Glad, to be back binge-watching season six and looking forward to catching up to seven!