Parallel Man: Infinite Pursuit (2014)
syndromezed 3 points 2 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Nice animation/voice work, but the plot could have been (maybe was?) lifted from the 90s show Sliders and their CroMag storyline. Basically, the USA in one of many parallel-dimension Earths develops interdimensional travel technology (cough sliding cough) and uses it to conquer other weaker Earths (cough Mags cough). The story is about them conquering “our” Earth (Beta 76 in the movie, Earth Prime in Sliders).
The main difference between Sliders and this movie is that the movie has a beginning Star Wars-esque text crawl that explains that they developed sliding instead of nukes as a way to defeat Japan in WW2, but no one really explains how sliding to other Earths would actually have helped. Sure, they could potentially steal tech, but how they could steal enough of it to actually defeat Japan is a whole other question. Then the crawl continues with “there was World War 3” on CroMag Earth and that this led them to need to conquer more and more other Earths…again, the fundamental premise is a “suspend your disbelief and ignore the sinkhole” kind of problem. Sliders explained it as a combination of CroMag feelings of racial superiority and insecurity at finding almost all the other Earths populated by us. I know modern and cro-magnon man were both homo sapiens, and Sliders probably should have been calling them Neanderthals (that’s close to how they did the makeup), but it’s a more believable setup than this movie’s.

Still, once you get past the setup, the movie is fun to watch even if it’s not particularly original. Personally, though, I would have liked to see the writers come up with some really weird s**t that would let the animators have a lot more freedom to be creative. Insectoid terrans instead of dinos, for example, or nano-humans. The weirder the better. :)