Raya and the Last Dragon (2021)
moongoddess 2 points 2 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Absolute brilliant story about TRUST in family, neighbors, people who have done you wrong the first time, or, ten thousandth time. I was a blubbering wet eyed mess throughout the film. A giggle here and there, especially ninja criminal baby Noi. Raya(RYE’eh), was a perfect blend of all the totems: Dream, Courage, Love, Hope, Humanity, Destiny, Truth. Best Disney film in a long time, no singing or dancing (a la Mulan). Nothing but pure Emotional and lovable story.

I read a comment below from a person who felt there was a lot of bullying in the film. Well, there is a lot of bullying in all Disney films, and, all other Hollywood films, too. The message Disney was, and, always has conveyed is, ‘Stand up to Bully’s. Be yourself and you will overcome and conquer your fears. And liked by those who believe in you.