Killer High: The Silent Crisis (2021)
BellaMia1 2 points 2 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

Man, I don’t think I can erase that mother’s wails from my mind, when she find her son dead. There is nothing more primal nor heart-shattering than that sound. This drug scares the crap out of me. That’s why I stick to Mother Nature’s gift to us: greenery or the occasional alcohol. You can’t trust people nowadays because of greed and the blatant disregard of lost of lives. It wasn’t like that before. Now. there 2 more drugs more potent than fentanyl that are starting to be seen in some places. Even more scarier. How sad. And it doesn’t bode well for the future, for greed is alive and well. And there’s always an idiot somewhere, that will come up with a new buzz and unfortunately, there will always be a demand for it from people chasing a buzz. And our governments are sitting on their asses, doing nothing. Very interesting and educative.