Star Trek: Discovery (2017) S2 E14
IAmHaskins 1 points 2 years ago.

I haven’t watched Season 3 or the newest season yet and from what S1 & 2 have given me, is a sorta of satisfaction with this show. I loved the S1 twist and i love how this season played into the original series without breaking it or reconing it. Altho im sure there are people who have and still complain about it not being “faithful” to the shows original funkshway, i can not however complain. Its very good and the ending leaves me with fantastic ideas of the fate with Discovery. But i also feel like i would ruin that feeling by watching the later seasons. Still a good watch if you’re not a die hard fan of Star Trek.

But i also feel like i should leave it here with the ending of S2. I know at least S3 and on will focus on them in the future and that might be good but should i perhaps ruin my Wim sickle daydreaming of the possibilities of wh