ObserverMI's comments

RuPaul's Drag Race All Stars: Untucked! (2012)
ObserverMI -1 points 2 years ago.

What a Waste of Time.

The Falcon and The Winter Soldier (2021) S1 E1
ObserverMI -2 points 2 years ago.

I’m Done with Marvel.
They’ve Lost their way.

Top Chef (2006) S18 E14
ObserverMI 1 points 2 years ago.

We’ve got some Real Egotistical Wimps here. Pathetic.

Top Chef (2006) S18 E13
ObserverMI 0 points 2 years ago.

You’re catching that favoritism too it seems. Bet I know just whom you’re talking about. As far as what it can be for, I believe it’s about appearance.

I’ve also been pulling for and predicting someone and they’re in this final three and believe they deserve it due overall performance.

Top Chef (2006) S18 E11
ObserverMI 1 points 2 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Maria… FINALLY the one note Mexican food cooker is GONE! I Love Mexican food grew up on it BUT… one type of food does NOT do you well as a CHEF dopey!

Gab, my star from the first episode. Great job. Still predict you’re going to the finally you stud Chef!

This show is LOSING all it had. Focus on the FOOD instead of the personal story BS!

Hell's Kitchen (2005) S20 E3
ObserverMI 1 points 3 years ago.

Taking on these,,,,, Pathetic know it all youngsters just shows how far down the ladder our young people are. I’m embarrassed by them and a Show I Love by catering to these irresponsible Idiots.

This is getting tiresome and nearly unwatchable.

Naked and Afraid XL (2015) S7 E5
ObserverMI 1 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Amber NO!!! She was Awesome! I’d have her on my team any day and, she was the Provider of that team by far! In attitude, skills and production.

Matt, Jeff, Steve are still my favs at making it I’d be so Grateful to have them on my side and, CJ….I’d take him any day too, what a Lone Wolf Warrior.

Gary… you’d be the LAST MnF’er I’d pick. You’re an annoying POS and you harm any team by your ego and Stupid antics along with eating STUPID.

What a Great show. Not only entertained yet I learn a Lot from it.

Naked and Afraid XL (2015) S7 E4
ObserverMI 3 points 3 years ago.

Gary, you A-Hole, don’t toss where everyone sleeps you idiot moron!
I can’t Stand that dope.

Top Chef (2006) S18 E9
ObserverMI 0 points 3 years ago*.

‘Hipsters’ these days mean Ignorant. Having those two unfunny boring C-list guest judges show how out of touch this show is getting.

The ‘hipsters’ in Portland are freeloaders that live off the government and have trashed the city, smoke weed from wake up to bed and produce ‘nothing’ of value and sleeping and trashing the parks is a pity. Way to go Top (bottom) chef.
I used to fly to Portland a Lot and loved it yet, it’s a violent, out of control, homeless ridden sad loss of what it used to be. Pathetic.

Kwame showed what a fraud he is. A talker yet not a producer. Fail. Sit down. Top Chef embarrasses itself with this amature.

Gabe has been my pick after the first episode and still to go all the way.
Side note: Past time for Padma to be replaced. Gale would be a good replacement.

Top Chef (2006) S18 E8
ObserverMI -3 points 3 years ago.

Again, I think this show has seen it’s best days and dropping fast. Too predictable. If I could bet on it, I’d make a ton of dough.
The judges are really getting on my nerves, from the same ol comments to in this episode, they were more upset about not being paid attention too in the ‘service’ than the food itself. How shallow. If it doesn’t make some changes, as an 18 season vet, I’m outta here.
Tom, I appreciate him and he gives really good honest feedback. Padma…I’m more than ready for a change.

Make some updates and changes and keep the SJW out of it and FOCUS on the food and chefs and you’ll keep those legs under you. If not….it’s on it’s way out.

Top Chef (2006) S18 E7
ObserverMI -1 points 3 years ago.

I think this show has run it’s course.
So predictable, social favoritisms over the cooking skills, judges language is repetitive rarely changing along with the format and production. As a side dish, ‘Portland’? Portland is a Pit yet they lie likes it’s grand. Why they picked that war zone, homeless riddled drug addicted city of slacker turmoil ruin is beyond me.

The Crow (1994)
ObserverMI 0 points 3 years ago.

Many films sadly don’t age well. This is Not one of those.

Prodigal Son (2019) S2 E12
ObserverMI 1 points 3 years ago.

I’m so Pissed!
Few shows grab me and seems most get cut off too early and this one ‘again’ is by Fox/Disney.
They put good shows on hiatus, they lose audience and attention, then cancel them. They’re STILL Morons even at Disney.

What a Great episode and I’m sorry there’s only one episode left. There was a few reasons why I left most TV and this is one of them.
Fox/Disney…. go F yourselves, not more investments, you can’t Handle it.

Prodigal Son (2019)
UGuess 5 points 3 years ago*.

ARE YOU SERIOUS!!! If it’s because of the producers, they are idiots. This show has so much potential and has proven it. I’ve always been excited to watch and couldn’t wait for the next episode. And just when I thought it had mellowed out..bam! there came a twist (now with this thing with sis-so curious). I hope it’s immediately picked up by a wise network. I can’t believe I’m really upset right now. But thanks for the heads up.

ObserverMI 2 points 3 years ago.

It wasn’t the producers yet the ‘network’. They delayed it, put if off for weeks so they interrupted the flow and the viewership. Whenever you do that to a show it really hurts the ratings so, blame the Network more than anyone. Just sayin.

The Conners (2018)
yellow_rose1 2 points 3 years ago.

I haven’t watched it since they pulled the dirty on Rosanne. It’s shameful IMO

ObserverMI 4 points 3 years ago.

Oh, I So Much agree!
And for what they did… made me even more upset, pathetic it was.

Bar Rescue (2011) S8 E2
yellow_rose1 0 points 3 years ago.

I know I didn’t see him throw any food in this episode. Lol

ObserverMI 1 points 3 years ago.

HA! Love it.

The Conners (2018)
ObserverMI 0 points 3 years ago*.

This is NOT Rosanne. It’s a MONEY PLAY, that’s all it is and I know.
And the ‘face masks’….Give me a Break science deniers pandering to the uneducated. Pathetic.
There’s a RESONE why this has such low ratings. More than one too.

Naked and Afraid XL (2015) S7 E3
yellow_rose1 1 points 3 years ago.

thanks so much for your observations, lol. I apricate your sentiment. It warms my heart. I do hope you have better days ahead with your new president. Hey you never know. The best to you and your family too

ObserverMI 0 points 3 years ago.

You’re welcome, all ‘meant’ and from the heart and mind.
I do too hope for better days ahead yet, I’m an analyst above all and, I see much worse to come sadly. Yet, an optimist, I hope for the best.

Thank You. It’s just me really yet I’ll take all you offered. =o)
Be Well. =o)
Enjoy that ‘Beautiful’ place you reside. =o)

Bar Rescue (2011) S8 E2
yellow_rose1 0 points 3 years ago.

the pandemic seems to have handcuffed the reality show producers so that these shows have become boring this year. Will life ever return to normal again? IDK

ObserverMI 1 points 3 years ago.

Yet for me, this wasn’t about the Pandemic, yet the ‘weakness’ of how soft he was and just being a ‘boring’ show. I really like the show yet this one just ‘lacked’.

Bar Rescue (2011) S8 E2
ObserverMI 1 points 3 years ago.

About ‘the’ weakest BR I’ve seen. No passion, all bore.

Naked and Afraid XL (2015) S7 E3
yellow_rose1 3 points 3 years ago.

looking back I see your point, He is hard for team mates to get along with. Many of them express their apprehension going into a challenge with him. There seems to be less of that personality coming out this time, however they are only ten days in

ObserverMI 1 points 3 years ago.

You’re correct, less of ‘that’ personality…so far. Yet tigers don’t usually change their stripes so, I watch him with a careful eye.

Gary does make it interesting, I see your point and well taken. He does have that ‘do or die’ to offer yet it just worries me if I were in his teams shoes.

By the way, sorry about being a widow. Kinston I bet is a ‘Beautiful’ place. I hope you’re enjoying it. Sorry about Justin Trudeau, he seems like a real tool. And for what he’s doing to you all with covid and that preacher arresting him…. horriffic. Yet, we’ve got Biden now and all I see for us is bad and rough times ahead.

Best to you and your children.
And yes… Clint Eastwood, Morgan Freeman, Jessica Lange and Kathy Bates are all ‘excellent’ actors. You’ve got a Good eye. =o)

10 days in, you’re right. Let’s see what happens from here.
The best to you and yours Yellow Rose. =o)

Naked and Afraid XL (2015) S7 E3
yellow_rose1 0 points 3 years ago.

I agree Gary has a massive ego, however they all do really. IDK I like Gary he makes it interesting if nothing else

ObserverMI 2 points 3 years ago.

I respect that yet, I’ve seen Gary’s other outings and in my opinion, he’s more of a hinder than a help. He’s about himself and doesn’t bend to work with anybody. He thinks he knows it all and everyone else is subpar. That’s not a good team member to me. Just my take. =o)

Naked and Afraid XL (2015) S7 E3
ObserverMI 0 points 3 years ago.

Suzanne….I’d be happy to keep you warm. Honey No.
Gary…. F U I hope you tap out, you’re a Freak Egotist, don’t like ya.
Dave…. you’re a Stud and would be grateful to have you on my team.
E.J… Happy to be a part of your team any day.
Jeff… The Hunter, Would be happiest to be on your Team you Stud!
Matt…. Would be very grateful to have you on my team you rock.

The Late Late Show with James Corden (2015)
ObserverMI 3 points 3 years ago.

Enough with this phony. He was in Cats for crying out loud. He’s a butt kisser and opportunist and forgets about what the ‘show’ is supposed to be about.

Top Chef (2006) S18 E6
ObserverMI -1 points 3 years ago*.

Gabe and Gabriel have been my picks since EP 2. They need to STOP with the pair up challenges and stick to the individuals because a Great chef can go down due a weak one.
And ENOUGH with the emphasis on things other than Food. Getting Sick of the focus on the culture instead of the food. This is about FOOD and Cooking, not anything else.

Prodigal Son (2019) S2 E11
PonderThis 1 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Holy s____t, what is she gonna do with Martin? Martin may have messed with the wrong woman!

ObserverMI 1 points 3 years ago.

Naw, he got exactly what he wanted, an accomplice driven by his….everything.

Prodigal Son (2019) S2 E11
ObserverMI 2 points 3 years ago.

Oh this show is just Too Good! So many levels you have to watch from the start to encapture them all. Just when I was tiring of Catherine, I’m pulled back a little. This is a Must Watch.

Saturday Night Live (1975)
prism 8 points 3 years ago*.

I stopped watching this show years ago because it just got dumber and dumber.

ObserverMI 5 points 3 years ago.

Agreed. It’s not funny. I check in every now and then and… I’m ‘Embarrassed’ for what it’s become.

Saturday Night Live (1975)
ObserverMI 6 points 3 years ago.

Who is Lorne sleeping with to keep this horrid embarrassment still on.

Naked and Afraid XL (2015) S7 E1
ObserverMI -2 points 3 years ago.

Great show. Bing watched a few months ago, now back, digging it! Many familiar faces now, some I like some I don’t. Will be interesting to see who continues on and who doesn’t I learn a lot from this show and sadly with Biden-Hole in office, I just might have to rely on this survival knowledge to get through what he’s bringing to this country. Desolation.

Top Chef (2006)
bluecannon -1 points 3 years ago.

She’s an SJW who likes to show how morally superior she thinks she is. Its pretty annoying. I come to this site much less than I used to because she is constantly making comments.

ObserverMI 1 points 3 years ago.

Educated analysis on all points, very observant and intellectually honest, I’ve noticed as well.
It was an honest critique of the show yet she had to deviate and make into something else.
Have a Great rest of your weekend. =o)

Top Chef (2006)
JadeEnigma 2 points 3 years ago*.

Of course, I am so sorry for my misstep. Please forgive me. sir. I bow to your greater knowledge of “PC BS”

ObserverMI -1 points 3 years ago.

Forgiven. No bowing necessary. Have a good evening.

Nobody (2021)
ObserverMI 0 points 3 years ago.

Nothing new yet a Fun watch. Had a few detailed humorous slights if you catch them. A familiar hamburger with a little something to make it enjoyable. If you like some action and the simple once complicated rise to the occasion, then you’ll like this. Enjoyable.

Top Chef (2006)
JadeEnigma 2 points 3 years ago.

Righto, that’s what I thought :-P Sorry that caring about others is so hard for you.

ObserverMI 0 points 3 years ago.

I give you a sincere honest response and you? A disconnected weak shallow one. I care about this industry, art and the business overall which was why I responded. Next time, if you’re not up to it, then just….don’t waste my time with an uneducated opinion about this show.

Top Chef (2006)
JadeEnigma 2 points 3 years ago.

Specifically what “PC BS” are you referring to?

ObserverMI 1 points 3 years ago.

Watch episode 3 for one example of too many. Yet as this good show continues, so does the PC and I’m not here for that. I worked in this industry a long time and seeing it’s downfall (look at Oscar, Grammy etc. horrid ratings due PC over art), is like watching a talented family member lose it all to drug addiction and harmful influences.

The Unicorn (2019) S2 E13
ObserverMI -2 points 3 years ago.

Ok, time to move ‘beyond’ the dead wife thing because the characters are just so rich, they don’t need that anymore. Great show.

Top Chef (2006)
ObserverMI -4 points 3 years ago.

Good show yet it’s time to Retire Padma. And drop the PC BS or this show will sink. This was one of the more boring shows of the series. They have and can do better so, Prove it.

Prodigal Son (2019) S2 E10
ObserverMI -1 points 3 years ago.

My Favorite Must See and this is just another week ‘Why’. Zeta’s plastic face is getting more palatable with such a Good storyline and now that he’s….. well, feeling ‘more free’, this really continues to be exciting. NO MORE PAUSES…this show is just too good to be missed.

Top Chef (2006) S18 E5
ObserverMI -2 points 3 years ago.

What a boring concept. Least entertaining show and idea of the season.
Also, time for Padma to be replaced. I have a feeling, next week will be even worse.

Kubo and the Two Strings (2016)
Trent 5 points 3 years ago.

I saw “Charlize Theron” in Old Guard so I looked her up. She is in some good movies like this one.

ObserverMI -3 points 3 years ago.

She’s a really good actor, fantastic. Yet, don’t look at her personal views as it will likely devoid the rest, as it has me.

Prodigal Son (2019) S2 E9
ObserverMI -1 points 3 years ago.

I LOVE this show!
So many great characters and storylines on each one.
I don’t follow many shows yet This one, is a MUST watch.

UFC PPV Events (1993) S2021 E5
ObserverMI 0 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

UFC brought me back from not watching them as much and I’ve been there since the FIRST fight in the 90’s. Great card.

Rose… I Predicted you a champ since ultimate fighter and you’ve NOT disappointed you’ve excelled and proven me right again. Great Job in beating the Chicom and I didn’t doubt you from the start. Congrats Champ!

Sorry Weisman, I really wanted to see a longer fight yet, sometimes things catch up. You were always a ‘lucky’ winner and immediately lost your luster yet, I wish you a speedy recovery. I still think he’d have kicked your ass.

Guzman… talk only goes so far and, you’ve reached that ‘far’ my friend. Time to dig deep and live up to the Hype.

This was a good card and some really good fights, much appreciated.
Some scores were settled and some questions answered. Well Done UFC.

PS… Jon A. it’s time to get that POS out of there. He’s good at commercials yet SUCKS at the rest.
Rogan is a Great ongoing addition and he needs to Stay, great interviews and play by play though I dsagree with some. Comier is and Awesome play by play guy. He’s a Greater champion than Jon the drug addict liar Jones.

Welcome to Death Row (2001)
ObserverMI -1 points 3 years ago.

I don’t care, so SICK of these people and their BS.

Top Chef (2006) S18 E3
ObserverMI -1 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

What a disappointment, Top Chef goes Politically Incorrect instead of being a COOKING show. “This dish is too white”…black girl wins, white girl sent home. I’ve watched this show from the start, Love it. Yet… it’s going political instead of being a ‘Cooking Competition’ and, if it continues on this route, I’m DONE! What a Shameful disappointment.

UFC Fight Night (2005) S2021 E1
ObserverMI 0 points 3 years ago.

Max is a STUD! I can’t stand Bruce Buffer, he ANNOYS me. Dan, great commentator yet the Brit and Jon need to be tossed and Jon is a partisan POS. And by the way, Chael, McGregor is a POS so stop liking his taint you sell out.

60 Minutes (1968)
ObserverMI 1 points 3 years ago.

60 Minutes used to be a Must Watch. Now, it’s a Can’t Trust.

Prodigal Son (2019) S2 E8
ObserverMI 0 points 3 years ago.

Finally it’s back. Good episode yet, Alan Cummings bugged me with his over the top acting and Zeta Jones, I just can’t watch her and not think of how much horrible plastic surgery has transformed her. Why these people do this instead of just age gracefully and naturally is still a puzzle though I’ve known many.

When daddy was so close to Cummings, I was hoping he’d tear into him like a hungry bear yet, things have to play out. And that ending…we knew something along those lines were coming. It will be interesting seeing where it goes.

Welcome back Prodigal Son, don’t be away so long, again.

Kung Fu (2021) S1 E1
CranLem08 3 points 3 years ago.

Omg i love it too. I am such a huge Fan of Olivia Liang.. The fact that she almost missed her audition because of her schedule conflict from her recent show” Legacies” where she plays a witch Alyssa Chang. The fact that this is an All Asian Cast , its about time we have some Asian Representation in the media. I am sick of tired of Asian Roles being whitewashed just because they couldn’t find an asian actor to play the role. roll eyes

ObserverMI 1 points 3 years ago.

So what about auditions, this is about ‘this show’. And why care about a cast of race? It’s about an entertainment shows. I don’t care or count what ‘cultures’ are cast I care about an entertaining show and focusing on a ‘type of people’ is in itself shallow and counter productive. And IF you look at this show, it’s ‘Chinese Stereotyped’ so, that should tick you off as it IS whitewashed as you put it.

Kung Fu (2021) S1 E1
ObserverMI 0 points 3 years ago.

Embarrassing Tripe.

Don’t call it or even related it to Kung Fu the series because if anything, it’s an embarrassment to it. Create something on your own instead of water down and cheapen a great show while trying to profit off it’s name.

This is like eating cheese popcorn vs steak and lobster. They’re using every rerun cliché, there’s nothing original here while wrapping it in demeaning Chinese culture.
From using the family traditions of Chinese families to the martial arts, it’s almost like they’re making a parody yet trying to be serious about it.
3 years training, really? I trained for many years in martial arts and at 3 years you’re a guppy.
And the gay brother, ex boyfriend who happens to be within law enforcement, a female lead, a family owned restaurant, the use of the community being ignorant traditionalists to the Chinese ‘Triads’….how lazy and offensive.

Olivia Liang, the main character is the only half decent thing about this show. Tzi Ma is reduced to a caricature of a Chinese father and too bad, he’s a terrific actor.
They not only tried to go ‘PC’ yet by reducing this to a joke they’ve embarrassed not only a once good series yet the Chinese culture.
What an utter embarrassment.

Prodigal Son (2019) S2 E8
BladesofTroy 4 points 3 years ago.

Posting in the comments about a missing link wont make it appear. Neither the linkers nor the mods watch the comments for links or link request. Try here

ObserverMI 0 points 3 years ago.

Yea, I’m aware of that.