etim's comments

Project Power (2020)
Tisiphone 2 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Well.. Umm.. ok so for me, this was a VAST let down after all the waiting and hype. I did enjoy seeing Jamie Foxx again and his character. I also appreciated the attempt at special effects.
The storyline had soo much potential with the promise of superpowers and it fizzled out spectacularly!!


BUT maybe I expected to much when thinking the choice of powers would be left up to the user to conjure?? After this initial let down, I’m sorry but all that followed was a lot of eye rolling with all the mess that followed. The story progressed with too much sheer luck and happenstance. It seemed to rain down at all the right moments, just in time of course (like the roll of tape finally found & given just in time for him to chase down the fleeing vehicle, catch up to it, MacGyver a device in time to tape it to the rear all without being seen or even out of breath.. In nothing but a bath towel to boot!! (not wearing boots, all totally barefoot of course). That’s when I had enough and withdrew my interest so I could step out to have a smoke. My boyfriend stuck with it though only to emerge 3x as frustrated if that helps at all. 1/5 or 3/10

etim 5 points 3 years ago*.

Hype ruins yet another film— I didn’t even know about the movie beforehand (just saw it had some popular actors) so I didn’t expect too much out of it— and I watched a real fun flick. 7/10

Ray Donovan (2013) S7 Special
buddhabro2 4 points 2 years ago.

I honestly have always hated Bridget and this has cemented my opinion of her. Great end to the series not going to lie I even got teary eyed. Wouldn’t be mad if we got a spin off.

etim 5 points 2 years ago.

Strange casting pick, she was. Every year she’s looked more and more like the spawn of Quentin Tarantino than a Donovan.

Bliss (2021)
Slimwhiteman -4 points 3 years ago.

Salma had like 4-5 lines that i played back a few times, and i still have no idea what she said. Some people like to blame that on an accent lol. The Bronx is an accent i can understand people there. It’s not accent, it is inability to properly speak a language. I certainly have no problem with people who struggle with a language, but when you have a story/ script written in a certain language…you need the ability to convey the story to the audience in the language that it was written. I wouldn’t ask anyone from the deep south of the US to speak English either.

etim 5 points 3 years ago.

Her character tossed a few Spanish words in occasionally. May be what sounded garbled.

Big Oil v the World (2022)
etim 5 points 1 year ago.

This is out now. A BBC prod, 3 eps. Guaranteed to piss you off.

Foundation (2021) S1 E8
xenois 2 points 2 years ago.

Are Spacers robots or what? why they keep saying that Demerzel is the last robot left?

etim 5 points 2 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

Spacers are specially gene engineered ppl. made for that job. We were told that a few times in the different eps.

Lola (2023)
etim 5 points 10 months ago*.

Low budget indy sifi with plenty of creative juice and originality to make up for its lack of $$. A slick mix of old black and white newsreels and a found footage style, all blended together to make a fun ‘don’t screw with the future’ flick. Worth the watch.

Silo (2023) S1 E9
etim 5 points 11 months ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

WooHoo! Finally! I’m glad they didn’t save that to use as their end of season cliffhanger.

The Day the Earth Stood Still (2008)
etim 5 points 2 years ago*.

That was fun to watch again. Seemed a lot better the 2nd time around. I enjoyed the 50s sci-fi flick feel to it even more this time.

Turok: Son of Stone (2008)
uses 1 points 3 years ago.

Hello. I love this site & appreciate the work you put into it. I’d like to see this movie but none of the links work. When you click on them a bunch of ads pop up & then a YouTube movie comes on that is not the movie posted & there’s no way to get rid of it. Thank you.

etim 5 points 3 years ago.

Probably from your adblocker not working well. The best adblocker to use on PW is ‘ublock origin’

Mad God (2021)
etim 5 points 2 years ago.

Dark, freaky, graphic mix of live and stop-action animation. The stuff of nightmares, as they say.

Another Dirty Movie (2015)
Dethkids 8 points 2 years ago.

I didn’t know until I watched the Belushi documentary recently just how underground, anti-establishment and really a voice of the underground “National Lampoons” and “SNL” really were! They were against the war into music soking I mean they were seriously activist type hypie comedians showcasing things noone else was doing because it was too radical for the 60’s 70’s etc. That was really cool to learn about so I have a new found respect for these lampoons!

etim 5 points 2 years ago.

There was a popular magazine, started in the early 70s, the National Lampoon. I dunno if yer old enough to remember it but if not, you shd check it out.
It was often hilarious, frequently offensive (by today’s standards) and a ground breaking source of talented writers, artists and literary styles that eventually morphed into SNL, the NatLamp movies and evolving gonzo-ish comedy.

One ‘ad’ they ran, that I’ll always remember, was the half joke, half motto, “When it comes to revolution, we’re all you got left”

It’s still fun to google some of their old stuff…there was a movie about the mag’s run that’s worth checking out—

Star Trek: Picard (2020) S3 E9
etim 5 points 1 year ago. (Contains Spoilers)

I don’t get it.
They said in this ep that they hadn’t had contact with the Borg in over a decade but Picard, etc. just dealt with them last season. And at the end of the last season they were on pretty decent terms with the Borg queen.
What happened to Star Trek’s continuity?

Memoria (2021)
The Handmaid's Tale (2017) S4 E5
Researcher 0 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

She don’t need no stinkin’ hat! She got her shocker back!

etim 5 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Yeh, June shoulda stuck that shocker somewhere a little harder to reach.

The Nevers (2021) S1 E2
PonderThis 8 points 3 years ago.

While watching this 2nd episode I kept asking myself Amalia True (aka, Laura Donnelly) reminds me of someone. Well, low and behold Laura Donnelly plays Jenny Fraser, Jamie Fraser’s sister in Outlander.

etim 5 points 3 years ago.

Mrs. Poldark’s lookin’ good too.

Children Ruin Everything (2022)
etim 5 points 2 years ago*.

This is pretty good for a family based comedy on mainstream TV. Snappy, witty writing, likable characters. And a big ol’ bunch of truths.
I wouldn’t miss the frequent and piercing little girl screams, but that’s realism, I guess.

The Handmaid's Tale (2017) S4 E4
publicOnline 7 points 3 years ago.

That’s a LOT of milk lol

etim 5 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Ha! And after almost drowning in it, they were hungry!

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (2014) S10 E12
mkmikas 0 points 7 months ago.

no links?

etim 5 points 7 months ago.

Maybe wait till after it airs tonight?

The Winchesters (2022)
etim 5 points 1 year ago*.

As much as I liked the original, I’ll be seriously surprised if this does NOT get ruined by CW and turned into another bitchy-whiny teen romantic drama. As usual, they’ll fill it full of pretty faces that can’t act and writers who can’t write except to gear it to please their teenie drama queen wannabee crowd. And they couldn’t care less about quality, just that it seems hip, pretty and trendy.

Hell, even the poster looks like an illustration for a CW version of a ‘Lifetime TV for kids’.

Supernatural only survived getting cw-slimed itself because they already had a well established, large and loyal cult following loong before CW ever existed—and the studio bosses were too terrified to touch such a proven money maker.

Come on, CW—prove me wrong. Just once.

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds (2022) S1 E7
etim 7 points 1 year ago.

Uh oh…put the kids to bed. Them Vulcans are making their nasty sexytalk again.

Saturday Night Live (1975) S49 E11
[removed by a moderator]
etim 7 points 3 months ago*.

Maybe if you’d actually read, understand and follow the rules you wouldn’t get deleted nearly so often!
You’re very, very lucky you haven’t been muted for a few weeks (or even months) by now.

1883 (2021)
etim 7 points 2 years ago*.

I keep thinking I’m seein’ Jennifer Lawrence whenever Elsa comes on.

Nine Perfect Strangers (2021) S1 E6
SCaramel-3 -2 points 2 years ago.

Agggr. Don’t like it at all. Something changed mid-way in their production of this series. And its SO slow! Just get on with it!! Also hate Nicole’s character with that useless Irish none-accent and stupid Frozen wig. Grrr.

etim 7 points 2 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

I’m pretty sure she’s supposed to be from Russia. That was mentioned early on wasn’t it?

Dark Winds (2022)
etim 7 points 1 year ago.

I’m on ep2 and this looking to be some pretty good stuff. Well written,worth checking out. Tribal cops with some FBI guys complicating it, some native medicine spookiness tossed in. 7/10 so far.

Monsieur Spade (2024)
etim 7 points 4 months ago*.

Off to a good start. Sam Spade in 1963 France.

Lamb (2021)
TheTofuHead 0 points 2 years ago.

is there any animal cruelty in this one :( I really wanna see it but worried..

etim 7 points 2 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

There was a pretty cruel old goat in it.

Greenland (2020)
[removed by a moderator]
etim 7 points 3 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

It doesn’t need to ‘surround a planet’. A grouping of meteors with pieces strung out in a line behind it would hit at diff times and in diff places as the planet rotated.

Land of Bad (2024)
etim 7 points 3 months ago*.

Man, watching Russell Crowe in this, I could easily (and at times, did) mistake him for John Goodman.

Yellowstone (2018)
PonderThis -2 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

With only 2 episodes left, there still hasn’t been any mention of Jaime’s (on again, off again) girlfriend who is pregnant with his baby! After what we learned about why Beth can’t have kids, Beth would explode and would she have some sort of revenge? From the trailer, looks like this season will end without knowing if Jaime became a father.

etim 8 points 3 years ago*.

might wanna spoilerize that one…

Stay Woke: The Black Lives Matter Movement (2016)
Skyehawk -1 points 3 years ago.

The Red Menace?? That’s the best you can do?? You need to get in touch with reality in a big way. The 3 leaders of BLM are avowed communists and admit it whole heartedly. A spade is a spade no matter what it’s called. What I said is the truth.

etim 10 points 3 years ago.

What is it with your obsession with commies? And you’re telling others to get in touch with reality? Sheesh! You run out of fresh conspiracy theories so now you’re hoping to bring back McCarthyism?
I’m MUCH more concerned about the violent white supremacist nutbags and the gullible Q-anon idiots who keep threatening to start a ‘race war’ if their Chosen One isn’t re-elected.

High School (1968)
Bilblo Bagman 2 points 2 years ago.

I was in Central High in Philly during this period, and watching this film brought back my feelings of that time in school. Although what was going on at Northeast then now, among other things looks sexist and autocratic, it was way more “progressive” than my school. We’ve got some way to go, but maybe we shouldn’t be so negative about how society is now, because as the old sexist cigarette ad stated: “You’ve come a long way, baby.”

etim 6 points 2 years ago.

lol—the funniest part is, our dads and grandads back then griped about almost exactly the same things they grumble about today. “What’s this world comin’ to? Those damned (expletives) are takin’ over. Ruining society!”

Shadow in the Cloud (2021)
etim 6 points 3 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

I love it when a flick with negative hype and poor reviews turns out a lot better than expected…I’d give this one at least a 7/10.
I guess too many ppl went into it with overamped expectations and canned it because they didn’t get another Hit Girl remake— or a more serious movie.

It was a pretty good, regular action-horror movie till about half way thru and the whole ‘baby on board’ BS and the impossible stunts turned it into an over the top (and sometimes hilarious) action-comedy. But even so, if you turned off yer brain and enjoyed the gimmicks and action, it was a real fun flick. And, bonus, there was lots of Chloe action—and closeups.

Warrior Nun (2020)
etim 6 points 3 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

Lots of fun. I had to do a doubletake in the 1st scene—-from the surroundings and trappings I was expecting it to be taking place in the middle ages. Then the priest whipped out a cell phone.

I don’t understand why Alba Baptista (Ava) was cast with a US accent when she’s Portuguese. But then I’m only on ep 4—maybe we learn the reason later.

The Irrational (2023)
etim 6 points 8 months ago.

Nah. Just another formulaic, same ol’ same ol’ churn-out from NBC.
Who needs AI when a few minor spins on the same tired script has worked for years?

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon (2023) S1 E5
[removed by a moderator]
etim 6 points 7 months ago*.

This is not some ‘couchtuner’ site, it is Primewire. Why would you think two separate sites would have the same rules?

Granted, you’ve only been a member here for a little over a year, but if you had been around here back in PW’s (and the US’s) recent years of darkness, you’d know that after all the conflict generated on this site back then, that repeatedly trying to talk politics (or anything leaning toward being interpreted as politicalish) isn’t allowed here anymore.
And why there’s pretty much a zero tolerance (and backlash) among most members for someone who comes along and tries to break that rule.

We’ve all had enough of all the hate, bigotry and division all around us IRL and elsewhere on the net. We don’t need it on our MOVIE site too—try not to violate this refuge.

Fear the Walking Dead (2015) S6 E1
etim 6 points 3 years ago.

That ep was better than most. Maybe they bumped up the writing quality this season? Let’s hope.

Outer Range (2022)
etim 6 points 2 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Good stuff! MIB in cowboyland!

Louie (2010)
teteba 5 points 3 years ago.

Louie is a unique man and so was his show. what a shame to have such a creative artist in the darkness

etim 6 points 3 years ago.

He should relish and embrace his weirdness and make it his whole shtick for a while. Milk it to death and rub it in everybody’s face. He could pull it off if anyone could.

Lovecraft Country (2020)
Bonesaw McGraw 5 points 3 years ago.

Ah, thanks for that

etim 9 points 3 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

Actually, before it came out, it had a terrible IMDB rating—all from ppl who hadn’t seen it yet or ever intended to see it.
They were just doing what the hatemongers they admire wanted them to do. The same hateful ppl who have been trying to turn America back into the kind of fear and hate driven country that the US used to be.

Away (2020)
etim 7 points 3 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

I made it up to part way through the 2nd ep. and skipped through the rest of it and the 3rd. I ain’t gonna watch 10 eps of poorly matched ‘professionals’ trudge their ways through each other’s hissy fits and pissing contests. Please, somebody post if anything worthwhile happens that’s not just more scifi-ized soap opera and drama queens. On the plus side, they didn’t skimp on their effects budget. 4/10

What We Do in the Shadows (2019)
etim 4 points 4 years ago.

Season 1 was decent,s2 has been a lot funnier. Looks like their budget got a boost too.

Mr Inbetween (2018)
etim 4 points 3 years ago.

Hey! It’s back! Almost slipped back in under the radar. WooWoo!

Needle in a Timestack (2021)
AdChris 3 points 2 years ago.

Maybe a bit drawn out for me. 3.5/5 good for a 1 timer.

etim 4 points 2 years ago.

Yeah, this was way too slow to really enjoy. Pick up the pace, cut off 20-30 min. and we’d have a decent movie. Might be a good one to watch if you’re doing something else while you watch it.

Away (2020)
Infinitystar 9 points 3 years ago.

The ironic thing is that I had to go all the way to the bottom to find out about the show. The top voted “comments” were about voting not about the show…I just wanted to thank you for the info on the actual show, which is what i thought the comment section was for.

etim 4 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

LOL—that’s the catch with having higher ranked posts get top billing. If the top comments are not on the flick itself, I go straight to the bottom post nowadays. Hopefully, after a few more trolls are purged, things will settle down.

LX 2048 (2020)
etim 4 points 3 years ago.

Decent show, familiar faces, well made, reminded me of Dark Mirror. 6.5/10

Doors (2021)
Alien 6 points 3 years ago.

Thanks, etim. Based on your review I will watch this.
btw, Aliens are are not a conspiracy theory.

etim 4 points 3 years ago.

I was talking about their theories re: why, not if (you’ll see when you watch it).

Cuties (2020)
Ditzygypsy 13 points 3 years ago*.

No, it’s not “aimed” at preteens. It is autobiographical. You have no idea what it is about or what you’re talking about, but do keep blathering on. You still haven’t watched it and are in no position to critique either the style or the content. It doesn’t seem like it wouldn’t go over your head anyhow, so maybe just don’t bother and keep your comments about movies you haven’t watched to yourself? And the pedophile we had evicted from a nearby building had a stash of Hannah Montana DVD’s. That was his go-to viewing to satisfy himself. This movie has a message that you are clearly too obtuse to comprehend.

etim 4 points 3 years ago.

Damn. Now is when I wish we could upvote more than once.

Brand New Cherry Flavor (2021)
etim 4 points 2 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

LOL! I wasn’t expecting this to turn into a comedy!

Death to 2020 (TV Special 2020) (2020)
etim 4 points 3 years ago.

Fun watch, primarily Brit humor. Will be worth seeing again after we get some distance away from this FUBAR of a year. I just hope they won’t have any reason to make another special like it. 7/10

Rakka (Short 2017) (2017)
etim 4 points 3 years ago.

Great intense short. Saw it a few yrs ago was hoping for more. Just saw it again and I’m still hoping. THIS needs to be on the netflix do list!