Tisiphone's comments

The King of Staten Island (2020)
Tisiphone 1 points 3 years ago.

What’s that sound, you ask? That’s the sound of 2.25 hrs of my life being siphoned down the drain. This movie was so terrible I think it gave me cancer. Avoid at all costs

The Cell 2 (2009)
Tisiphone 1 points 3 years ago.

This sequel is just awful and nothing like it’s predecessor! The storyline is mediocre at best and the acting is atrocious. For these reasons I give it 2/5 or 3/10

The Thing (2011)
Tisiphone 3 points 3 years ago.

One of the rare movies in history where the prequel is as good as it’s predecessor(s) such as “Aliens” or “The Godfather Part II” to name a few. Solid 9/10

Mayhem (2017)
Tisiphone 1 points 4 years ago.

Loved this little horror gem! Great acting and storytelling was supurb. Lot’s of laughs and super fun to watch! Lot’s of gore.. 4/5…7/10

Snatchers (2020)
Tisiphone 1 points 4 years ago.

Breath of fresh air! Great acting and well made indeed. I had lots of laughs with my husband. I’m so glad I gave it a try. Well worth the watch! 4/5..7/10

Second Chance (2016)
Tisiphone 2 points 4 years ago.

Thank you FOX, for ending yet another fantastic series idea after only one season because you couldn’t be bothered with doing any actual research into what your viewers really want to see!! I guess we should count ourselves lucky for finishing the season at least before giving it the boot (ahem, Alcatraz anyone?). I swear you’re nothing but mindless idiots for keeping and renewing mind numbing crap like “The Simpsons” and “Bob’s Burgers”. Here’s a thought: Try keeping and promoting a show that can stimulate brain cells, NOT eviscerate them!!

The Five People You Meet in Heaven (2005)
Tisiphone 4 points 4 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Originally a book first, I think they did a wonderful job translating it on the silver screen. The story is very touching. It’s a bit of a tear-jearker for me (but in a good way). I love the concept the writter conveys in that when we face our final moment, we all need help transitioning into heaven as we leave our earthly shells behind.. This is the role that each of the 5 people play. They are all from the life you lived and you don’t get to choose who they are. Some you may know well while others, not at all. It definitely lends credence to the belief that it’s all “part of God’s plan”. I truly enjoyed this concept from the author as it gave me a different perspective. Jon Voight and Jeff Daniels did an outstanding job! 4/5..8/10

Dave Made a Maze (2017)
Tisiphone 5 points 4 years ago*.

I loved this movie! It’s a quirky comedy that’s a fascinating coaster ride! Seriously, try it for yourself. I actually bought this movie to add to my growing collection 4/5

Mary and Max (2009)
Tisiphone 2 points 4 years ago.

OMG I’m so happy to have run across this touching and hilarious movie! Phillip Seymour Hoffman was one of my favorite actors who tragically died before his time. I loved that he lended his voice to the male character in this film. He did an amazing job and I fell in love with this movie instantly. A gem that the family must see for sure! 5/5, 10/10

The Hunt (2020)
Tisiphone 1 points 4 years ago.

A breath of fresh air! Love the political satire throughout too. Not to be taken seriously, just watch and have fun! 9/10

Se7en (1995)
Tisiphone 2 points 4 years ago.

What’s in the box?!? One of my all time favorite movies! 5/5 or 10/10

Inheritance (2020)
Tisiphone 2 points 4 years ago.

Wow! This movie grabs you in the first 10 mins and never let’s go until the end! I stayed on the edge of my seat most of the time until the end.. The end had me nearly falling out of my seat! It was a great ride and long overdue since the last movie that kept me on edge was the “6th Sense”. 4.5/5 stars or 9/10 stars

1BR (2020)
Tisiphone 2 points 4 years ago.

It was better than I expected. IMDb uses a 10 pt scale so I will too. It’s a solid 5/10

Up in the Air (2009)
Tisiphone 1 points 4 years ago.

It’s a good watch but judge for yourself. It’s funny for sure but it was also a bit too depressing at the same time. Each laugh that was delivered was jerked away and cancelled out not long after. Because of this, I give it 6/10 stars

Better Watch Out (2017)
Tisiphone 2 points 4 years ago.

I enjoyed this twisted spin on the horrors of babysitting. Since IMDb uses a 10 scale for ratings (plus I feel it’s more accurate) I’ll give this holiday treat 6/10!

Infinity Chamber (2017)
Tisiphone 2 points 4 years ago*.

I enjoyed this movie a lot and appreciate the different storyline compared to other movies out there. Acting was spot on. Love the twists, simply brilliant! 4/5