nowt's comments

El Topo (1971)
nowt 3 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

So this is what almost got Jodorowsky Dune.

Childish Gambino: This Is America (2018)
nowt 2 points 3 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

The location-specific covers that this prompted [Nigeria, Iraq, Sierra Leone, South Africa, UK, Germany, India, Italy, Russia, France, Barbados, etc] are themselves terrifically critical, even if some fail for going too light [Japan, Greece]. Glover did a great thing.

Diva (1981)
nowt 4 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Gorodish listens to my kind of music. Thanks, Vladimir Cosma.

Angels & Demons: This Is an Ambigram (2009)
nowt 2 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Dan Brown, trying to ruin ambigrams for me.

Vanilla Sky (2001)
nowt 2 points 3 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

I prefer pseudo-coulrologist. HONK!

Vanilla Sky (2001)
nowt 5 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

A blessing that Charlie Kaufman’s twin did not write this.

Brave New World (2020)
somniloquist 5 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Just eat some mushrooms and read it again. That counts.

nowt 6 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

YKWTS: Feed me mushrooms once, shaman you.

Brave New World (2020)
somniloquist 2 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

You just want to see a Moonchild.

nowt 4 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

I just want to see all that cover art as subsequent scenes.

Brave New World (2020)
nowt 1 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

At least Grant Morrison’s trying to earn enough juice to get The Invisibles made anyway.

Patriot (2015)
nowt 4 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

In most cases of practical interest the loss coefficients for components are a function of geometry only. That’s just basic fluid dynamics.

The Rachel Maddow Show (2008)
Mephistopheles 2 points 3 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

Hey we should all cut Madcow Maddow some slack the only things she’s gotten wrong are Russian Collusion, The Russian threat, Russian Bounties on us soldiers, Benghazi, North Korea, Michael Flynn, James Comey, Peter Strzok + Lisa Page, Impeachment, denouncing Republicans’ suspicion of Covid origins as wuhan biolab as conspiracy theory (ooops) down playing the carnage and lives ruined by looting and destroying during BLM protests, systemic racism- dont have enough room to list all the rest. I know it would have been easier if I just listed the things she got right but couldnt think of a single one.

nowt 4 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Comment of the year for ‘suspescion’ alone.

Twin Peaks (1990)
nowt 2 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

A third season that doesn’t even require the first two. And now, The Nine Inch Nails.

Greyhound (2020)
nowt 2 points 3 years ago.

Nicely pinging achromatic paradigm.

Miller's Crossing (1990)
nowt 3 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

It’s blood-simply Hammett time.

Burn After Reading (2008)
nowt 3 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Brad Pitt’s best death.

The Old Guard (2020)
nowt 1 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Not enough bald spots.

Dick Tracy (1990)
somniloquist 4 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

By now you’ve heard plenty of filmmakers say it, “we wanted to make it look like the comic book.” Warren Beatty directing, and staring in, this movie may have been the first to really pull it off. The colors are fantastic, the angles are dynamic, the roster of actors is killer. Beatty clearly called in a career’s worth of favors to get this thing cast. Unfortunately, the comic book all this was based on had to be Dick Tracy. And Dick Tracy’s extensive cast of mobster villains was, for lack of a better word, grotesque. This film got an Oscar for the makeup effects done to achieve the looks of gangsters like Small Face (who has a head that’s about 3 feet wide), Flat Top (who has a head you could serve drinks off of), and Lips (who is Al Pacino with a giant mouth and a ridiculous chin, screaming about 90% of the time). But if you can look past the caricature prosthetics, and maybe you’d like to see Madonna with her real face again, give Dick Tracy about an hour and 40 of your time.

nowt 2 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Dick Tracy is what happens in the timeline where Warren isn’t Batman. Or Beattyman.

Party Down (2009) S2 E5
somniloquist 3 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Gooter’s hooters are really a sight to behold. And in baby blue velour, no less.

nowt 2 points 3 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

His ‘gooters’ clothed are more ominous than when he’s completely nekkid. And I forgot that.

Party Down (2009) S2 E5
JadeEnigma 3 points 3 years ago.

runs screaming from the room

nowt 3 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Mudlarks nest under their overhang. It was surprising.

Party Down (2009) S2 E5
nowt 2 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Was everything I dreamed: Breasts of Unusual Size.

Tucker Carlson Tonight (2016)
ObserverMI 1 points 3 years ago.

Themoo, with all due respect, there is hyperbole there.
I’ve spent several hours going over this and have every quote they’ve come out with to date.
I’d like to list them here only for ‘context’ yet won’t for sake of this good site.

I will say, his username was CharlesXII and ‘yes’ there were some racist and sexist comments however your claim of ‘full fledged white supremacist’ and ‘advanced white supremacist ideas’ is not accurate.

It’s a site like 4chan directed toward lawyers and law students that’s not moderated. He mostly responded to ‘subjects’ that were far more racist and sexist than his comments. It could be argued ‘Blazing Saddles’ is far rougher than the comments he made.

Don’t get me wrong, I do not defend him, only here for context, fairness and Tucker’s show because you also wrote, ‘And it has been written by a white supremacist’. You ‘imply’ unfairly there.

Blake was the top writer there a few years now and wrote at the publication Tucker recently sold his share in. Blake is used much however, Tucker goes over the material with all writers as well and puts his own in as always. Blake also contributed to Tuckers book Ship of Fools.

I’ve had unsavory people work for and with me yet, I wasn’t aware of what they did nor said in their personal time nor saw it in the workplace. Yet if it did come within, we’d get it out.
Guilt by association is a dangerous harmful thing so, Blake should be accountable for Blake, not Tucker.

And what I do know of Tucker he wouldn’t have approved. Believe it or not, many in DC from both sides and within the journalism/news world like Tucker. Spend time with him. Think he’s very sharp, friendly, generous man who has a big heart, lots of empathy and would be there for you in a second.

I’ve watched Tucker for years and since Fox, nearly every single show he’s put out. And must say, do not agree with all he states (whom ever does with anyone) yet like any diamond, you dust the dirt from it.
And I’ve found far more diamond than dirt and better educated for it.
I wish more people would be open minded enough to give things a chance because even some of the smallest fruits give the sweetest tastes.

There may be more to come out, we’ll see. Yet he handed in his resignation Friday and Tucker will address it this coming monday.
Thanks for the time Themoo, it’s appreciated. Have a ‘Great Day’ :)

nowt 2 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Yeah. The Association Fallacy, when two otherwise unassociated things share a property [or implied to], that they are then deemed honorably or guiltily similar [concerning otherwise removed things like -acts- and the -acts- leading to the acts]. Carlson and Neff worked together to produce material that overall condones, not condemns, white supremacy; white supremacist tropes whose only irony has been the dismissive sneer and fallacy-fellatin’ snarl and feigned ignorance deployed not for negation, but for promotion of said tropes. Sometimes, things correlate because they actually -do- cause [fuel, provide for, create] a subsequent thing, Cleavon: Associated because of the -actual- association. Both were paid well for that association. Both were contracted to be so associated. They helped promote each other, each one promoted for their ideas, those umbrella’d by white supremacy among them.

Neverminding -that-, it’s good to see you weren’t all that serious defending a standard bearer of white supremacist standards, employing the Association Fallacy in its truer irrelevant fashion when it comes to ‘both sides of the news world’ and -yourself- [appeals to popularity and authority show up at the kegger and ask where the gloryhole is].

And find better cliches to hang your sweet, sweet bike helmet on.

Double Negative (1981)
nowt 2 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

AKA Litotes, Eh.

Inferno of Torture (1969)
nowt 1 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Inferno of Torture. As dermatographic as dermatoglyphic.

The Local Stigmatic (2007)
nowt 1 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

“The Local Stigmatic is the most powerful, potent thing I’ve done in my life.”

Southern Survival (2020)
JennyFromBlockD 4 points 3 years ago.

Nowt…that is spoken like a person who has either A) An American who has Never Been to the South ….or B) A person who has never been to America.

Your entire attitude & manner of speaking indicates an air of superiority, and your dismissive & downright hateful tone towards anyone with a different opinion than you is literally the exact definition of bigotry.

You need to check yourself; instead of judging people you know nothing about, and probably have never had the slightest bit of contact with.

nowt 3 points 3 years ago*.

You start with two strikes and this is softball, so.

Play… [Nothing was dismissed in my replies to Rex; everything addressed line-by-line, paragraph-by-paragraph with additional thought thruout of my own. Not dumbing myself down due calls to kindness: The southern drawl is very much Colonial English [Redcoats] as institutional as ‘heritage’ and that whinging revenge mentality [Confederates] which exists from schoolbook to church pulpit to the current cesspool of Fox/Q/8chan [Cro-MAGAns]. All of which makes it harder for those who aren’t keen on abiding by Xtian white hetero male supremacy, cuz it is a cultural system which penalizes all else]
…is play.

And you go out at your second at bat with two more strikes. Cool.

Legion (2017)
nowt 1 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

(dated, taxonomy) A group of orders inferior to a class; in scientific classification, a term occasionally used to express an assemblage of objects intermediate between an order and a class.

Which makes sense enough.

Southern Survival (2020)
grasshopper rex 6 points 3 years ago.

While I possess neither your rich vocabulary skills or your obvious superior education as I am just a poorly educated product of the economically deprived south, I do have almost 60 years of rl experience combating ignorance and hate from the perspective of being a vocal antiracist atheist living in Texas.
As a younger man I was very confrontational and combative when dealing with ignorance and hate. After years of this unproductive approach I adopted a different tactic. Finding common ground and putting forth a real face to their irrational fear of the other has proven to achieve actual postive results and that should be the goal. It’s easy to look down from what we deem to be a morally superior vantage point and condemn the other, but how does that help to change the world for the better? And then there is the obvious irony of fearing and hating what we don’t understand.
Those at the top of the food chain amuse themselves and profit greatly from pitting us against each other. Why play their game and allow them to win?

nowt 0 points 3 years ago*.

And those are things that have and have not worked for you, in the setting and surrounding you found and put yourself in, as yourself. One’s escalatory combat-mode may be another’s de-escalation from, or prohibition against furthering by other means, or suitable in context and efficacy given something like medium.
A errant post dismissing bad faith arguments and the arguers who provide them out of hand is not a cursed mile marker on the way out of Hell sending one back toward, or political cartoon made billboard on the side that grows legs and devours anyone’s car. And things like shame and anger concerning other things like identity and ethic, lack or stunting or otherwise, are omni-directional and super-positional as leverage. That an errant post may catalyze or metatasize good or poor effect, solitary as it is and cumulative still, is much like a random bird flying about for a place to land, sometimes joining a hyperswarm. Sometimes this tree suits; sometimes that. Such are multi-faceted ecosystems.
Like those against those who profit like that do not find some small advantage or definition in acerbically and cuttingly calling those people out now and again as signal for change; as tho ‘they want us to fight’ isn’t ever taken as successful argument -against- the picking up of personally useful and intrapersonally effective tools in that fight, feinted away from doing so toward a paradigm of passivity that isn’t yet fully merited or warranted.
Flatly, my Overton is large and contains multitudes of questionably degenerate art; less so does it number proscriptions against same, tho those exist concerning what does greatest lasting damage. There are ethics that supersede faulty ethics. And there are faulty ethics that have their use when applied to that which would otherwise use that faulty ethic for all else. That’s just. That’s fair.

White Supremacists Need Not Apply offends who to the point of sulking critical stagnancy, to benefit which rich fnck?

Southern Survival (2020)
grasshopper rex 3 points 3 years ago.

That’s still a very simplistic explanation of how we got stuck with Trump. It’s not just an aberration of our our political system that neither party can keep control of Washington for more than 8 years. “The South” as used by the op does refer to a specific geographical area. Even so, I have never heard the term used to denigrate a certain section of the population other than citizens that live in the southern states.

I want to be clear that to my way of thinking there are 2 distinct sets that are to blame for Trump. The ones described by Beta do exist are among the ones that still support Trump even though he has clearly shown that he is not suitable for the office that he disgraces. But those are not just restricted to any one geographical area and even though they have caused much suffering and pain, it isn’t in any way helpful to just demonize and dismiss them out of hand. They are just as much a product of their environment as any violent criminal that resides in any of our major cities.

If the object is to just assess blame then feel free to scapegoat away, but don’t be surprised that those like them will continue to plague our society. It’s neither helpful or productive to sling about acerbic hyperbole. Like anyone that feels attacked they will just dig in their heels and stand their ground.

nowt 1 points 3 years ago*.

They all are simplistic; even the books are too short.
The South moves; The North moves. The Coasts are a thing; Cities are a thing; Country [in that Nashville way] and Flyover Country are a thing. The OP refers to a mindset, and that mindset referred as being of The South, as that’s where the mindset itself has held the most power historically, referencing itself by The South while doing so. And readily voiced as Country or Hick or Redneck across the nation. Imprecise synonyms where the cardinal direction itself is a large meta-tag that only exists because of the density of the type so tagged in certain regions, but the regions themselves are amorphous and nebulous af. The show above doesn’t just appeal to The South by its title alone.
It may not be helpful. It may also be helpful. Sometimes, Fncking Beware the Fncking Dog: It’ll Bite You and Make You Dotarded carries more weight. They are dismissed and demonized with reason: The ridiculous gets ridiculed when it’s shown ridiculous and still does its damage for being a religion in all its trappings of sophistry. That they are people makes them partial product of their environment; that they far outnumber violent criminals, working their damage passive-aggressively at yet greater cost both to the world, economically and environmentally [etc]; and to the liberal experiment the USA is, is deserving of scorn. There are untenable positions which bear too much poisonously radioactive fruit. There isn’t a Violent Crime Party; there is an American version far nearer to the worst of Europe’s last century and the shameful past of America’s own last century and the centuries’ prior, than mindsets of that type have been part of, validated by, cultivated for in quite awhile. Fascism’s up. There are signs. Antifascist signs may get planted wherever.
Those like them always plague every society. Their positions adapt to destroy and limit what is Other, even if they themselves do not evolve.
Invective is a rhetorical device. Whether apodioxis or bdelygmia; aganactesis or vituperation. You prefer medela; that’s fine. They each have their moment; Beta’s moment wasn’t yours.
Civil in text need not be granted to that which has already been rendered Bitey Fncking Dotard Infectious Dog.

Southern Survival (2020)
grasshopper rex 3 points 3 years ago.

You mean the voters in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Ohio, and Iowa? All states that Obama won in ‘08 and ‘12, but gave Trump the election in ‘16. It’s lazy and intellectually disingenuous to assign blame to just the southern states, but I’m not surprised that you would take that route given your erroneous assumptions about me.

nowt 2 points 3 years ago*.

And those ‘switch’ voters score even lower than Fox News viewers afa being accurately informed. ‘The South’ as a category is essentially a non-geographic nod to that rural ignorance done with pride used as stereotype accurate enough to sell merch and ballots by the denizens within that subculture itself.

And they didn’t ascribe that loss to ‘The South’ in their reply, either.

Southern Survival (2020)
grasshopper rex 8 points 3 years ago.

It’s not fair to paint all southerners with the same brush.

nowt 3 points 3 years ago.

If only they had. The Redcoats-by-twang cum Condeferates-by-whine cum MAGAcumdumpsters-by-cult, tho?

They make the South as hard to survive as any Hicksville sundown town.

Party Down (2009)
somniloquist 3 points 4 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Shitty workplaces are where the misfits meet. If it’s not retail, then it’s going to be food service. Party Down is a genuinely funny portrait of people who would never otherwise have met, just trying to not break down for one more shift. Some of their attributes are punched up for laughs, but at their core the characters are all recognizable and real humans.
Dark, clever, and featuring dozens of top notch performers right before you knew who they were. Give yourself the privilege of saying you knew about Adam Scott before Parks and Rec, Martin Starr before Silicon Valley, and Lizzy Caplan from something cooler than Mean Girls AND Masters of Sex.
And if that doesn’t sell you, then hear this.

nowt 2 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

That sold me. S2’s episode NUMBER FIVE IS ALIVE, so to speak.

Legend (1985)
nowt 1 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Tim Curry deserves a tombstone with those horns.

The Dunwich Horror (1970)
somniloquist 2 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

You’d even bore illegitimate twins.

nowt 2 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

I Miskatonic U.

The Dunwich Horror (1970)
nowt 3 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

“…the most significant soon-to-be televisual event since before Quantum Leap.”

Work in Progress (2019)
nowt 2 points 3 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

Weird Al taking flak for ‘Fat’ was neat to see.

The Rachel Maddow Show (2008) S2020 E121
MarkRowley -1 points 3 years ago.

You got any basis of evidence for that or are you doing a “Maddow” by making assumptions and running with them based on nothing whatsoever?

nowt 4 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

You believe that Alien doesn’t know what they ‘almost feel’ concerning how they read your exhibitions of ‘rationality’?


The Rachel Maddow Show (2008) S2020 E121
MarkRowley 1 points 3 years ago.

….wait…reporting? That’s like saying drawing two lego bricks next to each other is architecture. This guy Maddow is no journalist.

nowt 2 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Straw manning false analogies is much like positioning scarecrows into buttsex: Impotent hayseed.

3rd Reich: Hitler's UFOs and the Nazi's Most Powerful Weapon (2017)
Betamax78 2 points 3 years ago.

is this where Trump got his idea for Space Force ?

nowt 3 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

What are Klansmen but wannabe coneheads, really.

Apocalypto (2006)
nowt 2 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

It’s Mad Max 2 in a green green world.

Never Cry Wolf (1984)
nowt 1 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

There is a helicopter. Also, one of the best jump scenes to ever get me at a deeper level.

Iceman (1984)
nowt 2 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

I remember this. There is a helicopter.

Quest for Fire (1981)
nowt 2 points 3 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

I remember this. There is no helicopter.

Hamilton (2020)
nowt 1 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

This is not Brad Neely’s George Washington.

Cremaster 1 (2005)
somniloquist 3 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Your vice is a locked room and only I have the key.

nowt 2 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)


Cremaster 1 (2005)
nowt 1 points 3 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

Don’t torture a duckling.

The Room (2004)
nowt 4 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

This is almost the Breen I’m looking for.

Losing Breen (2018)
nowt 1 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

This is not the Breen I’m looking for.

Patriot Act with Hasan Minhaj (2018)
duuuuuuuuuude -2 points 3 years ago*.

No. They haven’t reached their 10,000 hours that Malcom Gladwell spoke of. They speak from a place of emotion rather than experience.

nowt 3 points 3 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)


— 10k is an indistinct best guess of an average.
— At eight hours a day ‘doing a thing’ [like, living a life], that’s only a bit over three years to hit that level of experience.
— Yeah. One never poorly rationalises experience [nor does experience ever poorly inform], and emotion forever negates any logic involved that exists concurrently.
— Appealing to false authority [as well as accomplishment and the courtier’s reply] and emotion, as well as the genetic while leaning on the psychologist’s fallacy makes Gladwell sadwell enough for antidepressants.

The Twilight Zone (2019)
JoMoCo 1 points 3 years ago.

The word “snowflake” was first used by the writer of “Fight Club” as a description of a certain class of people, Liberals that feel as though they are “one of a kind.” Special. “Chuck Palahniuk has often been credited with coining the metaphorical use of snowflake in his 1996 novel Fight Club, which contains the quote: “you are not special, you are not a beautiful and unique snowflake”. He has referred to this in several interviews.

nowt 0 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Which makes Chuckles wrong. Tho it’s nice to be reminded just how much he pwned himself with that coinage, since Fascists/Nihilists/Emotional Amoral Egoists are then generic af, and vociferously see others as same.

Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters (1985)
nowt 2 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Oh, hey: Some Philip Glass.