Tiger8me's comments

Maine Cabin Masters (2016) S6 E6
Tiger8me 1 points 3 years ago.

Thank you to the amazing uploader who found this show and provided links…you rock!!!

Dexter (2006) S8 E12
Negan 0 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Wooow! Great episode and ending!!

Tiger8me 1 points 2 years ago.

Apparently not the end… wow 8 years later… it returns in one month and six days. Looking forward to seeing how they bring it back.

Holmes Family Rescue (2021) S2 E6
Cloud Atlas (2012)
Gnostic_Alchemist 2 points 8 months ago.

HEAVY occult influence. Most people only see half the movie

Tiger8me 1 points 8 months ago.

Have you seen the Trilogy of Atlas Shrugged? Really makes one think.

Maine Cabin Masters (2016) S9 E14
The Salvation (2014)
The Salvation (2014)
3 Body Problem (2024)
kraichgau -1 points 1 month ago.

i didnt read the books,so i am “illiterate”,but isnt it like any other “last-resort-religion”,which is hoping,another entity would save one from the real world?
and,for that matter, isnt the surprise,when it comes,most times worse than the status quo?

Tiger8me 1 points 1 month ago.

Yea, like the Twilight Zone’s “How to Serve Man” episode…lol. What was the ending message? “The book, the book, it’s a cook book.” Lol.

Captain Marvel (2019)
Doto -1 points 5 years ago.

Re: just b/c you haven’t seen any harm, doesn’t mean there isn’t any……So what is there to do if you can’t prove something is happening? There is zero proof of chemtrails (just proof of ppl making money off the fear) and there’s zero proof of harm….What move then can be made? I don’t have one that won’t be a waste of time. There must be something tangible. This stuff is Alex Jones, and Anti-vaxxers, etc etc stuff. I say don’t waste your energy on it, at least till there’s something tangible. conspiracies are a money making industry

Tiger8me 0 points 5 years ago.

The harm geoengineering is causing is the trees are dying at the roots. They’ve been doing chemtrails since the 80’s. Then there are all the floods and wildfires. Windstorms knocking trees over at the roots. I’ve seen it every summer for the past three years now. One of our trees let go at the root. Roots are still in the ground. It is all a direct result of people messing with things they should leave alone. But hey nature, this planet, she don’t need us. It just sucks that my quality of life has to be degraded b/c of a bunch of arrogant people who Think they know better. Like I’ve said a few times now…I left the conspiracy stuff behind. It’s just another rabbit hole meant to distract. I prefer to work on myself. Meditate, raise my vibration and do what I can to make a difference and leave the smallest carbon footprint possible. There’s a reason they call people who stray in rabbit holes too long a Mad Hatter…lol. Regardless of which side of the argument you’re on. And conspiracy theory is the term used to discredit people who are simply seeking the truth.

Teach Us All (2017)
Tiger8me 0 points 4 years ago.

Ok, I get that, but NLP is repetition…saying the same thing over and over again…like the U.S. government using Terrorist, terrorism, etc. since 9/11.

Ong-Bak: The Thai Warrior (2003)
Tiger8me -1 points 5 years ago.

Now that is an Action movie. Tony Jaa sure can fight. A few really good lol moments and that helmet scene…holy crap.If there was ever anyone who made me feel the way Bruce Lee did it’s Tony Jaa.

Wu Assassins (2019) S1 E1
Tiger8me 0 points 4 years ago*.

Gr8 cast and pilot. Totally action packed and a must watch for any “The Raid” series fans. 5/5

Cobra Kai (2018)
freeaswind 3 points 5 years ago*.

Another awesome season, just not enough episodes.

Tiger8me 0 points 5 years ago.


Reyka (2021)
Alien 2 points 8 months ago.


Tiger8me 0 points 8 months ago.

And the link worked all the way through the show, no stopping. Thank you so much for the help. I appreciate it.

A Dog's Journey (2019)
RoboPhone 3 points 4 years ago*.

This the continuation of the many lives of Bailey,
with whom we first met in the 2017 film A Dog’s Purpose.

These are Great heartwarming family films.

Watch the Official Trailer for A Dog’s Journey HERE first.

Then grab the family, popcorn (and some tissues) and watch them BOTH!.

Tiger8me 0 points 4 years ago.

Thanks for posting the link to the first one. I just watched both, and you were right, they are great heartwarming movies. More like grab a box of tissues for both anyway…lol.

Atlas Shrugged: Who Is John Galt? (2014)
Tiger8me 0 points 3 years ago*.

What a great ending to an amazing Trilogy. Feels like he is speaking of the times we currently find ourselves in. Very well done. Does leave one with the question of why each movie had different actors though.

Sex Education (2019) S2 E8
Tiger8me 0 points 4 years ago.

Yay… Renewal Status: Sex Education Renewed for Season 3 by Netflix!
This is such a great show. Amazing acting and I love how they use humor to deal with some pretty serious real life issues. Really makes me miss “Disjointed” for the same reason…great way of using humor to deal with real life challenges.

Teach Us All (2017)
Tiger8me 0 points 4 years ago.

The essence of spiritual love is liberation from deciding who is or isn’t worthy of light, since those in most need of the light often cry out for it in the most horrific and self-destructive ways.
No matter how furious or incensed the actions of others make you, the blessing of spiritual love suggests : “I send you this light because I respect the evolution of your soul too much to help you avoid your history of pain by condemning or criticizing your actions. May you be blessed with light, so to break the cycles of abuse, so no other person, including yourself, may be hurt moving forward.”
Matt Kahn

Reacher (2022) S2 E4
michaelmyers 2 points 4 months ago.

i like what he said at the end !😎💩

Tiger8me 0 points 4 months ago.

Yea, can’t buy his way out of that one…lmao.

Forsaken (2016)
Tiger8me 0 points 5 years ago.

I have no idea why these two men weren’t nominated for their performances in this movie. Incredibly well acted.

The Predator (2018)
Tiger8me 0 points 5 years ago*.

Thank you.

Apocalypto (2006)
Ong-Bak: The Thai Warrior (2003)
Tiger8me 0 points 4 years ago*.

I was talking about the feeling I got as a kid seeing Bruce Lee fight for the first time. I’d never seen anything like it. I got that same feeling the first time I saw Tony Jaa fight. You’re probably right, Tony Jaa movies make most N. American martial arts movies look like they’re fighting in slow motion. Same with the movie The Raid: Redemption (2012)… now that’s fighting.

Terminator: Dark Fate (2019)
Tiger8me -2 points 4 years ago.

I hear ya…I’ll wait for a better version…not a fan of that bet8 logo crap…asshats can’t even put it in scenes so as not to ruin the movie. Worst advertising ever…just makes it so I will NEVER go to their site.

Michael Jackson: The Life of an Icon (2011)
yellow_rose1 -1 points 4 years ago.

which was never proven I never believe everything the media says

Tiger8me -3 points 4 years ago.

I’m with you on this one yellow_rose. Being a survivor of real pedophiles the one thing they all had in common was a complete disconnect from their hearts. Michael Jackson’s love for animals and children show just how connected to his heart he was.

Captain Marvel (2019)
Odie 1 points 5 years ago.

You completely misunderstand that article and what Geo/Climate engineering is. Yes it is an idea, but no contrails you see from planes aren’t chemtrails or geo engineering. The idea for Climate engineering is there, and the US only greenlit the idea for possible funding for scienctists who want to persue studies/tests on it. But to my knowledge I don’t believe any government has committed anything to the idea yet.

Tiger8me -1 points 5 years ago*.

I only posted that article as it’s from the NASA website. I did not read it, there are many on the site.
All you have to do is look in the sky and be able to tell the difference. Contrails disappear, chemtrails stay in the sky and look like they are hanging down. You are right that no government is doing it, but it is being done with govt. approval or else those planes would not be in our skies. Need I remind you of 9/11 and how they closed down the air space over the U.S.? If you look at the line in the center and notice to the right how it looks like it’s drooping. NASA also listed what’s in the chemtrails. Solarium, Barium, Aluminum and I can never remember the last one. https://duckduckgo.com/?q=chemtrail+photos&t=ffnt&atb=v142-2_p&ia=images&iax=images&iai=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.activistpost.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2015%2F02%2Fmaxresdefault-1.jpg

Captain Marvel (2019)
Doto 0 points 5 years ago*.

Well first I gotta think but, I don’t think we talked about anything that could include a lie, did we? secondly >> you decide lol…Hint, One thing I hate is lying, especially to oneself….thus, the farcical bio…
…Anyways dude…good fun…thanx for the chat…I just had to put my dog down (wednesday) and I’ve been broken ever since so this took my mind off it for a bit, so for that I owe you big time, believe me, I’ve been dying and crying all week….cheers

Tiger8me -1 points 5 years ago*.

Too funny…I live in the Cariboo of BC. On top of the mountains. I’m not a dude. I was teasing you about the lying and making fun of your bio…made me think you wanted to be called a lying dick (dildo)…lol. Exactly, whatever. If it’s true about your dog then you have my empathy. I lost my fur baby last year. It hurts like hell to lose the one who love you unconditionally. I am sorry for your loss hun and I truly hope you feel better soon.

Captain Marvel (2019)
Doto 0 points 5 years ago.

thx, but I don’t know, feels like it will never end.. Lost many family and friends in my life yet none have felt this bad. we spent almost every minute together for 14 1/2 years….And no, don’t worry, I’m not a troll or do I lie. and you can tell bc not once did I try to antagonize you….I just like proof of something before I leap. Didn’t in the past but I learned everything I wanted to or even believed turned out to be some big pile of bs..I don’t leap anymore…too old for that….seen ‘em all…And thanks for the kind remarks, goes a long way right now.

Tiger8me -1 points 5 years ago*.

Turns out most of what I was taught was bs too. I like proof as well and I also use my intuition. By any chance have you seen the Hollywood Medium with Tyler Henry show? There are a few episodes with pets.It might be helpful to watch. Mine was 13 years and his birthday is tomorrow. I still miss him but at least now I know he’s still around. And as hard as it was for you, they appreciate it when we put them down if they are in a lot of pain. A medium came thru for my guy to let me know. Sometimes I can feel him. Obviously you had one of those special pet relationships. May the angels keep you comforted and remember they can’t help you if you don’t ask. Free will and all.

Captain Marvel (2019)
Doto -1 points 5 years ago*.

I never really mentioned what I think. I only mentioned how conspiracy theorists lie to further their agenda. This is where I’m sure you heard that about contrails (bc I have in the past too from them) so just thought I’d clear it up…nothing more…But also, the Gov has done experiments causing harm to unknowing ppl in the past (Tuskegee for one) so I wouldn’t be all too surprised if it came out they tried atmospheric control. But if you want my “opinion” on the matter, I personally haven’t seen anything that leads me to believe they are that causes harm to anything, , as yet at least. …So plz, no need to be defensive…cheers

Tiger8me -1 points 5 years ago.

Just b/c we have differing views doesn’t mean I’m being defensive. I pointed out what all that research led me to. And just b/c you haven’t seen any harm, doesn’t mean there isn’t any. Cheers.

Captain Marvel (2019)
Doto -1 points 5 years ago.

Re: just b/c you haven’t seen any harm, doesn’t mean there isn’t any……So what is there to do if you can’t prove something is happening? There is zero proof of chemtrails (just proof of ppl making money off the fear) and there’s zero proof of harm….What move then can be made? I don’t have one that won’t be a waste of time. There must be something tangible. This stuff is Alex Jones, and Anti-vaxxers, etc etc stuff. I say don’t waste your energy on it, at least till there’s something tangible. conspiracies are a money making industry

Tiger8me -1 points 5 years ago.

Curious…which am I to believe, that you’re telling the truth now, or on your profile? Are you a pathological liar who never tells the truth? Or someone who tells lies just for fun, ya know, to get a rise?

Captain Marvel (2019)
Doto 0 points 5 years ago*.

Well first I gotta think but, I don’t think we talked about anything that could include a lie, did we? secondly >> you decide lol…Hint, One thing I hate is lying, especially to oneself….thus, the farcical bio…
…Anyways dude…good fun…thanx for the chat…I just had to put my dog down (wednesday) and I’ve been broken ever since so this took my mind off it for a bit, so for that I owe you big time, believe me, I’ve been dying and crying all week….cheers

Tiger8me -1 points 5 years ago*.

Everything you’ve said could be a lie. I don’t know you. There are a lot of people out there that get off on taking an opposing view just to get a rise out of someone. You put that on your profile. I didn’t. Seems kind of silly if it’s not true. So then the profile is a lie…you see how that can become an issue? I would prefer the bitterest truth over the sweetest lie any day. May not like it but I prefer it.

Captain Marvel (2019)
Doto 0 points 5 years ago*.

Well, that’s the common theme the conspiracy theorist tries to sell us but in truth, contrails last anywhere from a fraction of a second to Many hours (Depending on atmospheric conditions and altitude)check it out for yourself if you wish….It’s the same as snowflakes, since they are both ice crystals. How long can they last if conditions keep them up where they can’t thaw, and do they stay in one place or spread out?…Jet exhaust releases a ton of water. (I decided to check out the numbers) How Much Water is there in Jet Engine Exhaust? [About 1.3 Gallons per Gallon of Fuel Used]

Tiger8me -1 points 5 years ago.

Bottom line…I took all the information I was seeing and used it to my benefit. I live in an area with 160+ fresh water lakes, many filled with fish. Lots of wild game, ranches and far from big cities. I have a huge store of seeds, mostly heirloom organic. I live in a way that if the world went to hell in a hand basket as my granny loved to say I’d be fine. In the end it doesn’t matter what you believe, what matters is what you can do.

The Last Debate (2000)
JediOG -3 points 4 years ago.

@ sitonb10- This site does a very poor job of letting new members know the place to request links is at this URL -

  • and not in this Post a Comment section.
    They have two dudes that run around and manually tell members, like I’m doing here for you now.
    I’ve seen this 100s of times over the yrs. I wonder why they simply don’t make this more clear in this Post a Comment section.
Tiger8me -1 points 4 years ago*.

Site Rules - Requests - Changelog
Top Users
Just under your profile at the top of the page to the right…site rules “Requests”…did you not look around the page? Pretty self explanatory to me and I’m not even very computer savvy. Just click on requests and it takes you directly to the request links page. Imagine that…lol. This is, and always has been, my favorite streaming site and I for one am so grateful for all this free content, the peeps who work their butts off to make it so and the poor ones who have to babysit all the adult children who come here and act out. Respect. Thank you all you diligent uploaders and mods…and anyone I may have missed.

Charmed (2018) S2 E8
Tiger8me -3 points 4 years ago*.

Again…wrong show…this is from the 90’s. Seems odd since it hasn’t been a problem before.

Tiger8me -2 points 4 years ago.

Thank you to the up loader that got it right!!! Woohoo.

Captain Marvel (2019)
Tiger8me -1 points 5 years ago*.

I only posted that article as it’s from the NASA website. I did not read it, there are many on the site.
All you have to do is look in the sky and be able to tell the difference. Contrails disappear, chemtrails stay in the sky and look like they are hanging down. You are right that no government is doing it, but it is being done with govt. approval or else those planes would not be in our skies. Need I remind you of 9/11 and how they closed down the air space over the U.S.? If you look at the line in the center and notice to the right how it looks like it’s drooping. NASA also listed what’s in the chemtrails. Solarium, Barium, Aluminum and I can never remember the last one. https://duckduckgo.com/?q=chemtrail+photos&t=ffnt&atb=v142-2_p&ia=images&iax=images&iai=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.activistpost.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2015%2F02%2Fmaxresdefault-1.jpg

Tiger8me -2 points 5 years ago*.

Here is a visual of distinction if that helps… https://duckduckgo.com/?q=chemtrail+photos&t=ffnt&atb=v142-2_p&ia=images&iax=images&iai=http%3A%2F%2Foccupytheory.org%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2014%2F10%2Fchemtrails-debunked.jpg
And if you have really expensive sunglasses, I’m talking $250-$300 a pair you can actually see the colors. I’ve seen them with my Maui Jim sunglasses. I was born in the early 60’s and grew up in California, close to LAX. This began in the 80’s. Until then the skies were clear…those were contrails. Maybe that’s why I’m not as gullible as some of these younger people. I have memory of what food really tastes like too.

Godless (2017)
JadeEnigma 2 points 4 years ago.

Wasn’t this just brilliant television?

Tiger8me -2 points 4 years ago*.

You’d probably like this one then…

Pandemic: How to Prevent an Outbreak (2020)
Tiger8me -2 points 4 years ago.

Yep, just more fodder for his empire. Read a great article on AJ by one of his former cameramen. He talks about how much of a drunk AJ is and that he left after multiple abuses. Seems they all have an agenda these days.

Clarice (2021) S1 E3
Tiger8me 0 points 3 years ago.

This show just keeps getting better.

Maine Cabin Masters (2016) S6 E5
Tiger8me 0 points 3 years ago*.

Thank you Fugitive for fixing the issues with this show. You are #1!!! Thank you to all the uploaders that contributed links!!!

The Girl in the Spider's Web (2018)
Tiger8me 0 points 5 years ago.

I’m with you, I prefer the original ones based on the books…the girl with the dragon tattoo, the girl who played with fire ( 2 parts 3 hours long) and the girl who kicked the hornets nest (also 2 parts. and 3 hours long) If only they didn’t take 20 minutes to load.

A Bug's Life (1998)
Tiger8me 0 points 4 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

it’s basically a synopsis of the 99% (ants) waking up to the greed and uselessness of the 1%(grasshoppers) and how if the ants would just stop feeding the grasshoppers, they’d lose their power over the ants. Really well done. Not sure if that’s a spoiler but I marked it that way just to be safe.

Doctor Dolittle (1967)
Alien 2 points 4 years ago*.

Actually, I watched this one : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gvwHHMEDdT0
The link you posted is quite long. I will have to set aside more time.

Tiger8me 0 points 4 years ago.

Yes, but it is well worth the effort. It’s the most recent video I know of and it mentions how they’re starting a course for Universities on the subject.

Charmed (2018) S2 E18
Tiger8me 0 points 4 years ago.

Minor mistake…this is season 3, not season 2. Other then that it’s all good.

Stranger Things (2016) S2 E4
Tiger8me 0 points 5 years ago.

I can’t believe this is a kids show…almost every episode freaks the bejesus out of me…lol. Incredible acting for kids.

Homestead Rescue (2016) S9 E1
The Salvation (2014)
White Collar (2009) S1 E1
RiKoBa -1 points 5 years ago*.

I’m well aware of what CSIS is. Furthermore, it would be the RCMP investigating counterfeit money, not CSIS. In the US, the Secret Service are the ones that investigate counterfeiting.

Tiger8me 0 points 5 years ago.

Yep, and ain’t the RCMP so trustworthy, considering they were behind Pickton and it was all a snuff video ring with Pickton as the scapegoat. The premise of this show seems like an early version of The Blacklist.

I Am the Night (2019)
Tiger8me 0 points 5 years ago.

That’s weird. All my research says this show has Not been canceled.
Network: TNT.
Episodes: Ongoing (hour).
Seasons: Ongoing.

TV show dates: January 27, 2019 — present.
Series status: Has not been cancelled.

Performers include: Chris Pine, India Eisley, Jefferson Mays, Yul Vazquez, Justin Cornwell, Dylan Smith, Jay Paulson, Golden Brooks, and Leland Orser.

In the Dark (2019) S1 E4
Tiger8me 0 points 5 years ago.

Didn’t really get into this series until the third episode. As much as I wanted to not like her she kind of grows on ya. Really good lead character development and honest real life humor. We’re all a little messy at times and you can tell she really has fun with peoples discomfort or judgement.

Hollywood Medium (2016) S3 E4
Tiger8me 0 points 5 years ago.

Loved this one..had so many of my favorite people in it.