booger's comments

Dredd (2012)
booger 3 points 3 years ago.

Dark, Gritty and realistic……well, as realistic as movies based on comic books can get.
Solid storyline and acting makes this a thoroughly good watch.
Would love to see more 2000 AD stories on the big screen.

Dredd (2012)
booger 2 points 3 years ago.

Just got through watching a very harsh review of this on YT and it reminded me of why I like it so much.

The Great Escapists (2021)
booger 3 points 3 years ago.


The Cannonball Run (1981)
booger 3 points 3 years ago.

Loved this as a kid, good silly fun.
Inspired by an actual event in which the screenwriter Brock Yates had started in 1971.
Not only does this film feature an All-Star cast, it even has a couple of the actual vehicles that ran in the 1979 race.

Idiocracy (2007)
catuhlu 9 points 3 years ago.

But it has electrolytes

booger 0 points 3 years ago.

it’s what docos crave.

Marihuana (1936)
NoelCoyotebleu -3 points 3 years ago.

I am sorry for misunderstanding, it’s sometimes hard to discern a person’s sincerity via post/text lol. extends hand for a shake

booger 2 points 3 years ago.

Because I forgot to add a qualifier, no one had actually misunderstood what was written, so no need to apologize for that, it was my mistake for not proofreading.
shakes hands

The Sex Clinic (2019)
booger 2 points 3 years ago.

Really like to see shows like this on the air we need more of them.

Marihuana (1936)
TisOnlyMe 4 points 3 years ago.

AHH, but you didn’t make it clear you were quoting a fire-brand sermon IRONICALLY, so it appeared that your comment was actually SERIOUS. i read it before it was deleted and was looking for the punchline but there was none so it seemed like you meant what you were saying.. it came across as quite nasty in fact which is why i reckon it was deleted from above. Still it livened up the debate on this thread somewhat.. “Ah, the sweet smell of CONTROVERSY in the morning!” Now, where did i put that pipe.. Heh-Heh.. Evil weed indeed! :))x

booger 3 points 3 years ago.

true. I had just realized that fact and was posting a clarification when I found out I had been muted. timing, after is a b*h.

Wonder Woman 1984 (2020)
booger 3 points 3 years ago.

Grew up reading DC and this movie brought back all those feelings I had for those old comics.
Cheesy, hokey and a little naive? sure And is part of its charm, for me.
OK, DC has not been putting out the best comic book inspired movies lately, so what? Enjoy what you can when you can, life is too short.

Redemption Day (2021)
booger 1 points 3 years ago.

An almost almost decent movie ( not a typo ). Decent acting and directing but poor storytelling and commitment. Could have been better, but not by much.
No worthwhile action scenes till the last 30-40 mins but even then……..
There are subplots, but I ff too much to have an opinion.

Marihuana (1936)
jamieoglindsey0 5 points 3 years ago.

please tell us more about the dangers?
what will happen if we try this evil weed?

booger 6 points 3 years ago.

Well, for starters, it can get some random guy muted, say me for example, for posting what he thought was quite a hilarious quotation ( from a firebrand tent revival sermon he was forced to attend in his youth ) on this site, one he thought was so ridiculous and obviously so silly that no one would take it seriously. My bad, apologies all around.
Want more education? this can help you get started
Want a good and informative doco?

Disenchantment (2018)
booger 2 points 3 years ago.

I am at ep.4 and so far it’s kinda ‘meh’. Hope it turns around in the next couple of episodes or I’ll just……………

Outside the Wire (2021)
booger 2 points 3 years ago.

Not a bad movie. Plenty of action, drama, etc. A lot of movies/tv shows tend to linger on certain moral/ethical/emotional etc. questions overmuch, but this movie asks and answers what it wants, then moves on. Bit of a let down at the end, but that might just be me.

Shameless (2011)
[removed by a moderator]
booger 2 points 3 years ago.

To answer your question. I use my eyes and and a sense of humor.

Shameless (2011)
Jhigh03 5 points 4 years ago.

So you’re saying you don’t like the show then?

booger 3 points 3 years ago.

No. I think he’s saying he really likes the show but in an Un sorta way.

The Mega Brothel (2015)
LadyHex 0 points 3 years ago*.

It is disgusting because these women who work in brothels have sex with hundreds of dirty men and pass around every kind of STD (like WhatAWorld mentioned) including to their unknowing wives (for the ones married). Most people would not want to touch something like that with a ten foot pole, unless you have no self respect or self love. Also prophylactics are not 100% safe against STDs or pregnancy! Maybe if people who went to these places were not married, there was no chance of a pregnancy, & they kept their STDs to themselves I wouldn’t care.

booger 9 points 3 years ago.

Consensual sex is not disgusting, getting paid for labor is not disgusting. Forcing someone and knowingly engaging said person, is disgusting, for everyone involved except the person being forced, they are not disgusting, just tortured and enslaved.
STDs are not auto-generated within a prostitute the moment they take money for sex, those come from customers plus legalization and regulation can help curb the spread if done properly.

The Mega Brothel (2015)
Defleur 1 points 3 years ago.

You should be invited into schools to give career advice to young girls.

booger 3 points 3 years ago.

Thank You. Although, I would not limit the advice to just females or the young.

The Mega Brothel (2015)
Defleur 2 points 3 years ago.

Ever met a young girl who told you her dream when she grows up is to have sex with ugly men older than her father for money? Does that help you understand the “general attitude of disgust”?

booger 13 points 3 years ago.

Ever met Any young person who told you that their dream was to work some back breaking and/or dead-end job for low wages for people who do not appreciate it?
I was talking about prostitution as a legal profession and not about the untold multitudes that are enslaved and are forced to do this.

The Mega Brothel (2015)
WhatAWorld 4 points 3 years ago.

Three letters: STD.

booger 6 points 3 years ago.

1 word: Prophylactic

The Mega Brothel (2015)
booger 8 points 3 years ago.

I have never understood the general attitude of disgust surrounding a job that can be described as ‘using your body to engage in an activity that makes money’.

The Watch (2021) S1 E2
booger 1 points 3 years ago.

Drama, thriller and fantasy….these are things that can be used to describe most, if not all of Pratchett’s works.
Comedy, is also present and some would say Keystone, in those stories as well.
Specifically the comedic absurdity of life.
Still, I like this show, it just needs more humor.

Moral Orel (2005)
booger 4 points 3 years ago.

Can’t believe I almost forgot this wonderful show.
With a worthy life lesson in each and every episode this series is just good wholesome fun.

Fongaluli (1974)
booger 1 points 3 years ago.

Not nearly as good as the synopsis reads.
This fantastical adventure is almost nearly not quite close to Felliniesque, however, whatever this lacks in cinematography and direction it also lacks in acting and storytelling.

Lone Star Law: Patrol and Protect
booger 0 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Texas, yup, this is Texas, through and through. Come on vacation but, stay, on probation.
Lots of folks think they can do pretty much anything they want to wild animals here, you can’t. I keep tellin’ my neighbor “just coz it’s on your land don’t mean you kin shoots it” he didn’t care.
That one chick who narced out them dudes is gonna git kicked to the curb, of course it didn’t help that they wuz idjits what were still hanging around after Johnny came knockin’ the day before.

Shadow in the Cloud (2021)
booger 6 points 3 years ago.

WOW! I was expecting a much worse movie than was delivered, considering some of the discussion.
Does this contain scenes with extraordinary physics? yes ( what movie does not? few, if any, and would this even be a question if the Hero was male? )
Is this movie completely out of bounds as far as reality is concerned? Well…considering the action sequences… have you ever heard of a female doing superhuman things in her ( Chloë Grace Moretz ) position? ( look it up, you might be surprised. )
As an end note: The final scene ( when it’s time to eat ) is both, at the same time, badass and normal/unremarkable.
2 thumbs up

Blue Crush (2002)
booger 0 points 3 years ago.

Decent movie if you like the subject. ( it’s about surfin’ )

Circle of Iron (1978)
booger 0 points 3 years ago.

Action, Adventure and Kung-foo! what’s not to love?
Absolutely LOVED! this movie when I was a kid, seen it many times over the decades and it still has things to teach me.

The Room (2004)
booger 0 points 3 years ago.

Ever see a movie so bad that it’s good? Well….this ain’t it. Some people say that this is a cult movie or “the Citizen Kane of bad movies” nope, there is nothing interesting enough about this to make it so.
Although I have heard some people are using dvd’s of this as a replacement for coal in christmas stockings.

The Watch (2021) S1 E1
booger 2 points 3 years ago.

Not a bad first episode. Could use more of that Pratchett practical nonsensical nonsense humor but it’s early yet.

Penthouse: War in Life (2020)
booger 0 points 3 years ago.

Was extremely disappointed to find out this has nothing to do with the magazine.

Greenland (2020)
booger 1 points 3 years ago.

To quote the esteemable philosopher Bubbles, “Pretty Decent”.
While not the average non-stop action fest, there is enough to satisfy most palettes.
While drama does pervade this movie, it is of the more believable kind, that moves things along rather than dragging them out….overmuch.
With little gore and foul language this movie is good for both date night and family time.

The Man with the Golden Arm (1956)
booger 0 points 3 years ago.

Brilliant movie.
When people have said things like “ They don’t make ‘em like this anymore.” and “ It’s an oldie but a goodie.” they were speaking about this film.
Warning, Mature subject matter.

BattleBots (2015)
booger 2 points 3 years ago.

7 bot matches that last a maximum of 3 minutes each and a runtime of 120 minutes.
They should change the name to “2 hours of commentators commenting with a bit of poetry and a few robot battles thrown in to keep things fresh”.
Some of these battles are over quite quickly, which means that the ‘intro’ Faruq gives before each battle is often longer than the battle itself.
Love the bot battles but hate the excessive window dressing.

The Stand (2020)
NoelCoyotebleu 2 points 3 years ago.

I don’t like the time jumps either. Don’t know if they are worse if one never read the book, but I’d bet there is confusion lol.

booger 1 points 3 years ago.

Of course reading the book would help folks have an idea of what is coming next, but like most adapted from the novel works, they will explain things (if they are smart) coherently for the lay audience.
When I was a kid, that kind of non- specifically labeled time jumping was a no no, but maybe the current crop of consumers see it as an obvious trope to be blindly accepted, who knows.

Creepshow (2019) S1 Special
booger 1 points 3 years ago.

I have seen a lot of Holiday Specials over the years and this is one that really hits the spot, what with its message of hope and everlasting peace.
Truly a new Yuletide classic is born this day!

The Stand (2020)
booger 1 points 3 years ago.

On ep. 1 and so far it is pretty good.
The time jumps are a bit annoying, since only the 1st is labeled, but I’ll survive.
Everybody wants to put their 2 cents in (speaking of the producers) and I don’t mind that…….as long as it is entertaining.

Fatman (2020)
booger 1 points 3 years ago.

Brilliant! simply Brilliant!
This is destined to be a new Christmas Classic!
If you are tired of the same ol’ sappy touchy/feely B.S. that is foisted upon the viewing public year after year, then this movie might be for you.
Don’t get me wrong, this still has that good ol’ Christmas message of hope and lots of cheer, it just also includes blood, a lot of it, and possibly some dismemberment.
Season Greetings!

Barbaren (2020)
booger 2 points 3 years ago.

This was a really good series with particular interest paid to the drama and history and far less to the war aspect.

The Human Centipede (First Sequence) (2010)
LuxxyLuxx 4 points 4 years ago*.

This movie is whack! - Which is why Im watching it again lol

booger 3 points 3 years ago.

The Human Centipede, bringing people closer together since 2010.

Midori (1992)
booger 1 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

This movie is grotesque. And what is truly grotesque is that after a little bit of research you find out that this story (and/or variations thereof) was/is? quite popular in Japanese street theater.
Imagine Robin Hood or punch and judy but instead of robbery and domestic violence it’s all the about other forms of human depravity like rape, physical and physiological abuse, hebephilia, pedophilia and other uncommon sexual fetishes and all of it played out on a street corner for anyone to see.
I can only think that the reason this became so popular was because the conditions were so horrid that people would watch this and say to themselves, it could be worse.

Midori (1992)
booger -1 points 3 years ago.

Mature content and disturbing subject matter should be a label on this movie.

NOVA (1974) S47 E14
booger 0 points 3 years ago.

I was going to go with a one word review to convey how I feel about this episode but could not find one that captured it wholly.
So here are a few that come close: Wondrous, Joy full, Intrigued, Inspired, Humble, Enlightened …………..

NOVA (1974) S47 E13
Hell Den (2019)
booger 1 points 3 years ago.

After watching the first episode, I feel no urge to see anymore.

Animaniacs (2020) S1 E1
booger -1 points 3 years ago.

While briefly bringing back a few yucks and chucks that they were known for in the early 90’s this episode faded quickly into ‘meh’ territory.
Each skit was like ‘yes!, yes…oh,ok…meh’.
My hope is that this will get better over the next few eps.

Ashens and the Polybius Heist (2020)
booger 1 points 3 years ago.

No better movie to watch on this most important of days.
Come and celebrate ‘International Toilet Day’ while watching this movie! It really gets things moving!

Moonbase 8 (2020)
booger 1 points 3 years ago.

Great show! If you like comedies that lack funny parts.

Trickster (2020)
booger 1 points 3 years ago.

I have really enjoyed this show so far and am awaiting the 6th and final episode this season eagerly.
Although this has a lot more drama than the typical show I prefer to veg out to, I really kinda dig the thrilling supernatural angle of this and the storyline just pulled me in.
Of course there are a few parts where I said “What the fudgecicle” how/why/would a teenager ever act like that. But in the end, it is not really all that important.
I do recommend this to anyone interested and cannot wait for season 2.

Star Trek: Discovery (2017) S3 E4
booger 5 points 3 years ago.

If you are looking for phaser blasts and high speed maneuvers, then seek another episode.
If however, you are a fan of physiological type stuff, you know, coming to grips with mental trauma, facing deep seated fears and etc. It’s all here.

Also this ep. has the first instance of shokushu goukan in the Star Trek universe that I know of.

Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
booger 3 points 3 years ago.

Great series!
3rd season is underway and I cannot get enough!
Whether you are new to the series or enjoyed TOS there is something for you.