ezl88's comments

Star Wars: The Bad Batch (2021) S1 E1
ezl88 6 points 3 years ago.

Nice, I didn’t know this had premiered already. Long-time Star Wars fan, but never gave Clone Wars a shot, because it aired when I was a kid and I assumed that was the intended audience. That may be so, but I finally watched it and Clone Wars is hands down the most enjoyment I’ve gotten from any SW media. Really hoping the quality/writing holds up to the predecessor. For anyone who hasn’t watched Clone Wars yet, I highly recommend you do so if you enjoy the SW universe.

WandaVision (2021) S1 E3
ezl88 6 points 3 years ago.

These 4 mins of credits are ridiculous.

Community (2009) S2 E21
frauschnider 0 points 2 years ago.

I don’t like how it’s only the second season and they’re reminiscing, and most of the scenes weren’t real.

ezl88 5 points 2 years ago.

lol that’s the joke. Typical sitcoms will do a bottle episode or recall episode in order to save money and reuse old footage or only need to film on 1 location in the case of a bottle episode. So Dan Harmon did a recall episode without re-using footage. It’s a great episode.

Terra Nova (2011)
ezl88 5 points 2 years ago.

Hot damn, forgot all about this show. Just remember watching it weekly when it was airing then being bummed when it got cancelled.

Star Wars: The Bad Batch (2021) S1 E2
ezl88 5 points 3 years ago.

Dave Filoni, you brilliant SOB. The guy knows how to tell a compelling story in the SW universe and after just 2 episodes it’s apparent that the quality here will be on par with Clone Wars, if not better. The only reasons I can understand for someone not enjoying the show are because they write it off immediately after seeing it’s animated or just don’t like SW. The connotation of animation being just for kids has been around in the West for over 40 years now. I didn’t watch Clone Wars myself as a kid and that was a mistake; the storytelling in animation is almost always superior to live action as a creator/writer’s imagination can go wild without an effects budget, poor actor performance, etc. I think anyone will be able to just pick this up and start watching it without having seen Clone Wars, but you really owe it to yourself to go back and watch it anyway.

American Gods (2017)
ezl88 5 points 3 years ago.

Did this show get a new showrunner after season 1/season 2? Season 3 feels so out of place and the show as a whole is pretty far off-base from the book at this point. Still entertaining, but there is quite a bit of filler that doesn’t work with the overarching plot. Loved the book and the show is still entertaining enough to keep watching, but it’s disappointing.

Woodstock 99: Peace Love and Rage (2021)
ezl88 3 points 2 years ago.

Wild how tone deaf the organizers come off as.

Star Wars: The Bad Batch (2021) S1 E6
ezl88 3 points 2 years ago.

Those sisters might’ve been even more annoying than they were in Clone Wars.

Game of Thrones (2011) S7 E2
ezl88 3 points 3 years ago.

Sansa is even more annoying watching this series the second time around.

The Wire (2002)
ezl88 3 points 2 years ago.

Trying to choose the better show between this and The Sopranos is like trying to pick your favorite child; there’s no one clear answer. Hands down one of the best television shows of all time and still holds up exceptionally well.

American Gods (2017) S3 E8
ac1d 3 points 3 years ago.

after this episode i no longer care what happens or to whom -they shoul just hurry up an cancel this show its goin nowhere -might try find the book lotsa people commented how good it is

ezl88 3 points 3 years ago.

Highly recommend reading the book or at least listening to the audiobook. Essentially the same concept as the show except the story is exciting because it doesn’t have a hundred random subplots.

Invincible (2021)
ezl88 4 points 3 years ago.

If you like The Boys then you’ll really dig Invincible. Amazon Video has hit gold again in their search for quality comic book media ripe for adaptation to television. Robert Kirkman, of The Walking Dead fame, is on-board along with both Ryan Ottley & Corey Walker who are responsible for the comic artwork. It’s uncommon to see the original creators of a book team-up later to tell their story through a new medium and as an animated the show, Invincible should closely follow the comics beat for beat. Invincible subverts and pokes fun at the stereotypical tropes found in superhero comics and offers a unique look at the mundanities and real world consequences of superhumans living in an otherwise normal world.

Kirkman seems to have fully taken advantage of the resources afforded to him by Amazon and stocked the cast with recognizable and quality voice talent. The comic ran from 2003 to 2018, so there is 15 years worth of fantastic source material available for adaptation to this series. “Invinci-heads” all over have been excited for this project since it was first rumored some 5 years ago and, personally, I’m very excited to see Invincible re-told in a medium where it can be appreciated by a new audience. The Walking Dead was the book that made me start reading comics, but Invincible is the book that made me fall in love and seek out other comics. Don’t let the animation fool you into thinking this is a show for children (as is evident from the first episode); you can expect adult themes, profanity, and gratuitous gore in all of its glory.

Invincible (2021) S1 E2
ezl88 3 points 3 years ago.

Flaxan invasion!

The Walking Dead (2010) S10 E21
MelBert8929 0 points 3 years ago*.

One of the Best episodes so far…

ezl88 3 points 3 years ago.

You’re the worst lol. I saw this comment and was excited to watch…it wasn’t until halfway in that I started to suspect sarcasm…

Invincible (2021) S1 E5
ezl88 3 points 3 years ago.


WandaVision (2021) S1 E4
ezl88 3 points 3 years ago.

lol nearly 6 full minutes of credits. Seems like the show is essentially going to be a commercial for whichever MCU movie they decide to use to tell the House of M story.

WandaVision (2021) S1 E5
ezl88 3 points 3 years ago.

7 min of credits this episode…at this rate the season finale will be a total of 5 min show and the remainder credits.

The Venture Bros. (2003) S1 E1
MonkyNutz 1 points 3 years ago.

streamplay.to link has the correct episode

ezl88 2 points 3 years ago.

Thank you. I was wondering how the animation looked so good for 2003 lol

WandaVision (2021)
ezl88 2 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Knowing how stupid powerful Scarlet Witch is in the comics, the show announcement seemed like a pretty interesting way to flesh that out for just MCU fans. With that being said, I’m skeptical about how long the show runners will be able to keep that concept fresh if it goes the way of most popular shows where there’s no predetermined episode cap and it’s allowed to go until people lose interest. Definitely going to reserve judgement until the first season is over and I hope by then the writers surprise me by making Vision an even remotely-interesting character.

The Righteous Gemstones (2019) S1 E1
ezl88 2 points 3 years ago.

Danny McBride strikes gold again. The actor who plays the sister is hilarious.

What If...? (2021) S1 E4
ezl88 2 points 2 years ago.

Overall story was better than the others so far, but the animation is still pretty bad unfortunately. Not what you’d expect from a studio like Marvel with an extensive history of comic book illustration. I think they could take some notes from Invincible; not the best animation, but the team includes artists from the comic and they make the show feel like it’s happening in that same universe. Animation isn’t cheap, but Disney doesn’t need to be pinching pennies.

The Venture Bros. (2003) S1 E10
Get Him to the Greek (2010)
ezl88 2 points 2 years ago.

Criminally underrated movie.

Rick and Morty (2013) S5 E2
ezl88 2 points 2 years ago.

Only been 2 episodes and this season slaps hard.

X-Men (1992)
ezl88 2 points 3 years ago.

I was like 6 years old by the time the series was over, but remember watching re-runs as a kid. Now that I’m re-watching the series one of the first things I noticed was the unmistakable sound of Ron Wasserman in some of the music scores. His music was essentially the soundtrack to my childhood between this and Power Rangers.

An American Pickle (2020)
ezl88 2 points 3 years ago.

Well it wasn’t good, but I suppose it wasn’t bad either. Pretty mediocre throughout and disappointing that it wasn’t funny. I feel like this would’ve been a hit had it come out in the 90s lol.

Rocko's Modern Life (1993) S4 E12
ezl88 2 points 3 years ago.

Man, this show was a trip.

The Tick (2016)
ezl88 2 points 3 years ago.

Shame this got canned after 2 seasons. Fits really well into what Amazon is doing with their superhero franchises.

WandaVision (2021) S1 E7
ezl88 2 points 3 years ago.

7 1/2 min of credits

Invincible (2021) S1 E1
Ashtré 4 points 3 years ago.

This is as good as The Boys. And I love the animation style.

ezl88 2 points 3 years ago*.

If you like The Boys then you’ll really dig Invincible. Robert Kirkman is on-board and since it’s animated the show should closely follow the comics beat for beat. Similar to The Boys in the sense that it’s a superhero comic/show that deals with the mundanities of the concept and real world consequences in an otherwise normal world. Not to mention the gore and adult themes are on par with each other.

Ryan Ottley and Corey Walker are from the source comic book and both are on this project, so it’s bound to be visually exceptional in addition to exceptional storylines. The comic ran from 2003 to 2018, so there is 15 years worth of fantastic source material available for adaptation to the series.

American Gods (2017) S3 E9
ezl88 2 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

“The truth doesn’t get me out of bed in the morning”…says the journalist…

The Walking Dead (2010) S10 E21
booger 4 points 3 years ago.

Yawn! This is what happens when character development goes too far. I am not saying that it is bad when they make an episode with insights into a characters mental state(s). But they could have easily condensed this down to 10 minutes and used the rest of the time to move the story along and not give us another rehashing of the same ‘ol same ‘ol.

ezl88 2 points 3 years ago.

Agreed. However, I’m not even sure it qualifies as character development at this point, but rather character re-enforcing. Take Jerry out of the picture and this episode could slot into nearly any of the last 6 seasons.

Invincible (2021) S1 E4
ezl88 2 points 3 years ago.

The sequid plot is so good.

Squid Game (2021)
ezl88 2 points 2 years ago.

Anyone know if there’s another page/link for the subtitled version? The English dub is pretty awful.

Invincible (2021) S1 E1
ezl88 2 points 3 years ago.

Buckle up, kids. Kirkman is looking to make the best superhero comic in the universe the best show in the universe.

Mortal Kombat (2021)
Truthsayer -1 points 3 years ago.

It’s not a movie, it’s a disjointed mix of fighting scenes. No plot whatsoever. The cast is made of actors without charisma. Unwatchable crap.

ezl88 2 points 3 years ago.

Have you played any MK games? Disjointed mix of fighting scenes is essentially one of its tag lines. Thought it could’ve used more gore and it would’ve been great had they done no-cut action scenes, but it was pretty faithful to the games and made for a good popcorn movie. If you were expecting it to be the next Citizen Cage, that’s your own fault.

WandaVision (2021) S1 E6
ezl88 1 points 3 years ago.

8 minutes of credits.

Invincible (2021)
ezl88 1 points 3 years ago.

Cannot wait much longer

Loki (2021) S1 E2
ezl88 1 points 2 years ago.

Well, on the bright side at least I’m not paying a subscription fee to watch bad television.

The Walking Dead (2010) S10 E19
ezl88 1 points 3 years ago.

The show is ending. What is the purpose of this episode?

The Falcon and The Winter Soldier (2021) S1 E1
Arcangel2020 3 points 3 years ago.

Is “WandaVision” THAT bad? I have yet to watch it and I have tried to remain Spoiler-free from all the reviews and “Fan Theories” about the series that I’ve seen online.

ezl88 1 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

I wouldn’t necessarily say it’s bad, but it certainly isn’t good. The premise seems neat initially until you realize the entire purpose of the show is a glorified commercial for the next MCU movie. I love comics and enjoy the MCU movies, but couldn’t recommend WandaVision to anyone. As far as fan theories go, they’re more or less all BS. The story is adapted from the House of M comic arc, so it’s nothing new. Definitely recommend checking out that comic arc if you end up liking WandaVision.

The Suicide Squad (2021)
ezl88 1 points 2 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Way better than the predecessor. However, the last act totally ripped off Invincible’s sequids.

Game of Thrones (2011) S7 E5
ezl88 1 points 3 years ago.

I’ll bet anything the whole capture a wight scheme doesn’t end up happening in any of the future books. Half-assed plot concocted by the show writers.

Zack Snyder's Justice League (2021)
ezl88 1 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

DC is the only one with comics that I’ll still read out of the two big companies, but the endeavor into film has been awful IMO. Can’t really say anything about the poor casting choices as this is essentially a re-do of the first version and used some of the same footage, but hopefully it gets better in the future. My biggest gripe is with the runtime, obviously. I’ve watched 3-4 hours movies before that were worthwhile and this just wasn’t worth the time, especially when there are so many slo-mo/bullettime scenes that you start to wonder if the movie would be substantially shorter without them. It’s not awful by any means, but it’s just not great.

Invincible (2021) S1 E6
ezl88 1 points 3 years ago.

So good. I’m digging how Kirkman is pacing the series as opposed to the comic. The plots we’ve seen thus far were excellent in the book as well, but streamlining certain things over the course of 1-2 episodes that originally spanned 2-5 issues works better for a tv format IMO. Also, didn’t think I could praise the casting any more than I have already, but having Justin Roiland voice the trust fund dude was great. Kirkman is a treasure.

The Walking Dead (2010) S10 E21
ezl88 1 points 3 years ago.

Ooh my favorite kind of TWD episode. After 10+ years on air, you really forget how much of a loner Carol and Daryl are, so sometimes there needs to be whole episodes dedicated to zero plot progression and just them complaining while doing mundane tasks. /sarcasm. AMC really milking it toward the end. The last season of GoT was sub-par, rushed writing, but at least it went out with a bang. Just 1 season left of TWD and we get cooking with Carol. Need to start reading comments first before wasting time watching new episodes.

The Death of Stalin (2017)
ezl88 1 points 3 years ago.

Excellent humor.

Zack Snyder's Justice League (2021)
ezl88 1 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Pro Tip: Skip the first 10min if you don’t want to listen to Superman screaming as cameras pan to various characters.

The Walking Dead (2010) S10 E20
ezl88 1 points 3 years ago.

Better than the last two episodes at least.

Fear the Walking Dead (2015) S6 E13
UGuess 1 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

I don’t understand how JDsr is not a zombie right now?

ezl88 1 points 3 years ago.

I assumed it was a scratch rather than a bite.