onetoughcrowd's comments

Sharks of the Corn (2021)
onetoughcrowd 5 points 3 years ago.

Labeled as a comedy is the only chance for even a decent rating. The true horror here is if it was labeled as a horror movie on purpose.

Don't Look Back (2020)
onetoughcrowd 3 points 3 years ago.

I always appreciate the add. But, if I’m being honest, thumbs down for me. In my opinion: Even before anyone even spoke, the intro was dragged out so long that I noticed it. Still gave it a chance. Then, in the very first scene, the acting… sigh. Fast forwarded to the end and it just never got better.

Unhinged (2020)
onetoughcrowd 3 points 3 years ago.

Non stop action and surprisingly disturbing. If you like to cringe, this ones for you. Strongly recommend for 1 time watch.

The Exorcist III (1990)
onetoughcrowd 3 points 3 years ago.

Perhaps I’ve seen the original too many times or itla something else, because I find this one more sinister.

Godzilla vs. Kong (2021)
rdmovieman 7 points 3 years ago.

actually, If you sign up and login there are no more popups. Im sure that a lot of people are probably scared to sign up because they’re afraid of getting in trouble somehow legally, or they think that their id will be stolen or hacked somehow. I have been a member since the original primewire, and I have never had any problems…especially popups. once you sign up and log in, you wont have any more popups. also if anyone’s having trouble with popups just go to tools/add-ons and add a few popup blockers. I have 7 myself, and since then I haven’t had one popup. I recommend Adblock plus or Ad-blocker pro, those 2 I’ve had forever and they work great. good luck everyone….and enjoy the show :)

onetoughcrowd 3 points 3 years ago.

Hello there fearless sharer of helpful info. For those that have tried some add-on’s.!/‘s are still getting pop-up’s, until you find the ones that work best for you, if you press play and “X” out of the pop-up about 3-5 times, it will play. Timing is key, so if you wait to long.c you may have to click another link to play it. Best to click with the above scenarios as possible. As for not receiving even one pop-up, sounds like w dream. Would you please advise as it the names of them for a smart phone, Iif that’s where you’re using then on. Thanks.

Saint Maud (2021)
onetoughcrowd 4 points 3 years ago*.

Wow wow wow. “The film received acclaim from critics, who praised the direction, atmosphere, performances, and score.” And well deserved! So impressed! Chilling, riveting. A rare gem because I cannot remember when I’ve seen a production so well out together all around from beginning to end. You will be glued to your screen. BRAV-O. 5/5

Evil (2019) S2 E13
onetoughcrowd 4 points 2 years ago.

So friggin good Incant take it! I never want it to end. Seriously, award winning in every way.

Spiral (2021)
Malignant (2021)
onetoughcrowd 3 points 2 years ago.

Interesting and surprising. For a horror movie that was so out of the ordinary and different, creates a bigger challenge for actors to pull it off. And pull it off they did. Very impressed! Overall, storyline, Maurice, all of it, 4/5.

Dr. Pimple Popper (2018)
onetoughcrowd 3 points 2 years ago.

I will never watch this because of the disgusting name of it.

Megan Is Missing (2012)
onetoughcrowd 3 points 3 years ago.

I’ve never watched anything more horrifying in my life. But for the impact this would have on teens, they need to watch it. It will scare them smart. To be honest, I even had to mute about 10 min of it in the end because I couldn’t handle what I was watching… much less hearing it on top of it. So yup, parents… this is a MUST SEE for you, and a hardcore lesson of truths that unfortunately exist. ;(

Evil (2019) S2 E11
onetoughcrowd 3 points 2 years ago.

Very fun so! Love this show! Flies by every time. Wish it were a 2 hour ep each week! Thanks

The Human Centipede II (Full Sequence) (2012)
onetoughcrowd 3 points 3 years ago*.

This movie brought me to the idea of being able to vote with a negative star rating.
Hands down the most unnerving and awful movie ever made.
If only it could be unseen. Thumbs down.

Creepshow (2019) S2 E5
onetoughcrowd 2 points 3 years ago.

Very good! Love what they did with technology. Anything Justin Long is in is a sure bet always good, especially when it’s a horror. A perfect edition to Creepshow’s overall theme.

Body Cam (2020)
WabidWabit 1 points 4 years ago.

Very good story line and had real potential, Nicholas has a couple decent watchable horror flicks under his belt, I just feel it could have been better, I did like it and will most likely watch it again to catch the things we miss on first watch through :) could have been better though. Acting was OK.
**All this IMO only.. Cheers for the upload.

onetoughcrowd 2 points 3 years ago.

Nice overall comment Wabid. :)

Evil (2019) S2 E4
onetoughcrowd 2 points 2 years ago.

4th ep in, Thanks you very much may I have another! Now, I’m officially in. Thanks!

John Wick (2014)
onetoughcrowd 2 points 3 years ago.

Awesome movie. So much action abs bad ars-ness. Marathon time!

Deep Blue Sea 3 (2020)
onetoughcrowd 2 points 2 years ago.

Thumbs up! This is one of the most enjoyable shark movies I’ve ever seen and with excellent soundtracks. Great acting, some very likeable characters, exquisite cinematography. For me, this movie had it all. Very impressed!

Unhinged (2020)
onetoughcrowd 2 points 3 years ago.

And your verdict?

The Walking Dead (2010) S11 E7
onetoughcrowd 2 points 2 years ago.


Greyhound (2020)
[removed by a moderator]
onetoughcrowd 2 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)


Nobody (2021)
onetoughcrowd 2 points 3 years ago.

Buckle up, hold on tight, and get ready for a non-stop action packed ride! 1st time I ever gave a 5 star rating!

The Unholy (2021)
onetoughcrowd 2 points 3 years ago.

I’m a HUGE Jeffrey Dean Morgan fan and will watch him in anything. It’s very difficult foe me to leave a bad review, but since I’ve seen just about every single quality horror movie out there, I cannot say that this one reigns amongst the best. I will give it one more change when the quality is DVD, and see if that makes a difference. For now, my review is inconclusive.

The Stand (2020) S1 E2
onetoughcrowd 2 points 3 years ago.

So far so good! For some of the too weak for the heart moments, I’d known they were coming ahead of time to look away. All so glad this is made for the screen, so I can finally experience it, because I don’t have the patience to read 823 pages thank you. It’s hard to believe this book was written in 1978!! It’s disturbing and shockingly relative to our world today. That’s Stephen King fir ya. Awesome cast. Can’t wait for each and every ep!

Halloween Kills (2021)
onetoughcrowd 2 points 2 years ago.

Brilliant addition to the franchise!! Wow, I’m so impressed. NOT predictable if you can believe that for a horror movie. “A” list case. Fabulous acting. Loovvvvvved it and now watching again in dvd quality. Thank you so much for the upload and fast transfer to DVD quality. Other than all of the above ot sucked. (Joke) ;)

The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It (2021)
onetoughcrowd 0 points 2 years ago.

Truly horrifying and well done! Wow. At the beginning I noticed some Sam Rami styles. Anyone else? 4.5/5!

The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It (2021)
onetoughcrowd 0 points 2 years ago.

Yes and thank you! I haven’t seen it but I already love it. And those of you who watched them all know probably feel the same way! Thank you extra much for adding this!
… Of course I’ll report back to review. Bye!

I Am Lisa (2020)
onetoughcrowd 1 points 3 years ago*.

Save your time and find something else to watch. It was so bad that I stopped watching at the last 5 min because I couldn’t bare even more disappointment, and is a wonder I stuck it out at all. Could only equate that to being lazy is all. Actually, the only nice thing I can say, with only a little bit of tweaking, it could have easily have been considered a comedy.

Worthless (2020)
onetoughcrowd 1 points 3 years ago.

It’s very depressing but everyone should watch movies like this about bullying, for relative reasons and preventive measures foe all ages and every race. Very important. Bullying is never funny. It’s detrimental is often the root of major problems as you get older and can stay with you forever. Be aware. Care.

Fear of Rain (2021)
onetoughcrowd 1 points 3 years ago.

I dunno..
It kinda depressed me. I definitely wouldn’t consider it a horror movie at all. I was actually looking to get a little scared. ;)

The Dark and the Wicked (2020)
onetoughcrowd 1 points 3 years ago.

Gruesome, disturbing, and scary. Impressive acting as well. However, it was difficult to follow because things weren’t explained so it was difficult to impossible to know what was going on throughout. Still, it is a horror movie, and that it most definitely was. If all you want to do is be scared, and not care to know why, then you will enjoy this.

Run (2020)
onetoughcrowd 1 points 3 years ago.

Sooooo good! Third time watching it. Not one dull moment!

Wrong Turn (2021)
onetoughcrowd 1 points 3 years ago.

Wow! Well done! Very impressed! Not a full moment! 4.5!

Infected (2021)
onetoughcrowd 1 points 2 years ago.

If the camera want sooooo shaky, Indefinitely could have like it more then I did which is currently not enough.

It Comes at Night (2017)
Negan 5 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Nothing “came at night”.

onetoughcrowd 1 points 3 years ago.

Your comment had a warning that it contained spoilers. Still, I was willing to check it out to find that all you wrote was so very funny. Thank you for the chuckle, and saving my precious time to something else sounding more worthy. ;)

Honest Thief (2020)
CodeBlack 12 points 3 years ago.

They were going to name this movie something else but the other name was Taken.

onetoughcrowd 1 points 3 years ago.

Good one, ha!!!

A Quiet Place Part II (2021)
onetoughcrowd -2 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Without a doubt or question, all is clearly understood od any and all delays due to Covid-19. Nothing has been as it was and we all need to adjust and get used to it as long as we need to. I do have one question though. What does Krasinski mean exactly, in making his statement about his it’s impossible for the world to experience “A Quiet Place Part II” together, which is his ultimate wish for the movie.”??? Is he referring to being actually together as in a movie theater? While that sounds nice, by the time we’d all safely be able to do that?? “The Place” will get even quieter, with a Part III - more togetherness for the world can experience I guess? I personally disagree.

Ready or Not (2019)
onetoughcrowd 1 points 4 years ago.

Fun movie with unexpected twists and turns. Recommend.

Virus Shark (2021)
onetoughcrowd 1 points 3 years ago.

The ONLY thing horrific about this movie is that it was actually made. The only thing good about it before I could waste 74 min of my life that I couldn’t get back, I can live without the 8 minutes I lost, but just barley. After watching the 1st 2 min, then had to fast forward to the end. This is not, I repeat, this is NOT anywhere even close to being labeled a horror. I couldn’t even call it a comedy because it makes you want to cry, unless you enjoy laughing AT something.
Even the main character, was two seconds to breaking character throughout the entire 6 of the 8 minutes that I watched. I know it was supposed to be a horrifying moment, yet she had a smirk on her face the entire time, and was two seconds to bursting out laughing. I can’t decide if that’s because she knew how atrocious the entire production was, or she knew that she is as bad an actor as the script. Whichever, doesn’t matter. I spent the last 6 minutes giggling and when there was finally one minute left, it was the longest and most painful minute of my life.
I know I know, one of my roughest reviews yet, but would you prefer that I lie? Last example so you get the full gist of what we’re dealing with here.
This movie was SO bad (How bad was it?) that I honestly thought it was day one of rehearsal and that the entire 74 minutes was a cold read.

Guns N' Roses: Welcome to the Videos (2003)
onetoughcrowd 1 points 3 years ago.

I don’t understand the instructions to request links. :/

Evil (2019) S2 E2
UGuess 1 points 2 years ago.

Well this was one of the more weirder one, even for this show

onetoughcrowd 1 points 2 years ago.

I agree… but let’s be hopeful!!! Hopefully 3 will be the charm. I was sooooooo looking forward to this show more than most.

Uncaged (2016)
onetoughcrowd 1 points 3 years ago*.

I appreciate the effort here. Not terrible for an obviously very low budget. I liked the actors. It was supposed to be horror/comedy, both of which fell flat. The scariest part of this movie is it’s movie poster. 2.5

Inheritance (2021)
Alien 1 points 4 years ago.
onetoughcrowd 1 points 3 years ago.

Thank you so much, Alien! Thanks to you, I just did.

The Human Centipede (First Sequence) (2010)
onetoughcrowd 0 points 3 years ago.

The most disgusting movie on earth. There. I said it.

The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It (2021)
Alien 0 points 2 years ago.

Do you mean like a Xena episode? :)

onetoughcrowd 0 points 2 years ago.

Heya Alien. Not able to reference as I’m not familiar with Xena. I’m re: to Sam Rami, In the beginning it’s made me think instinctively of the original Evil Dead movie… I don’t want to say too much to give that away and I’d you or anyone else’s notices, more fun to find things on your own…would welcome hearing about if anyone else’s sees it too.

Horror in the High Desert (2021)
discokitty 2 points 2 years ago.

Horrible mockery of a mockumentary! bad acting and makeup. ha to fast forward due to it being complete bore fest!

onetoughcrowd 0 points 2 years ago*.

AGREE! Giving it almost two stars would be a bit too generous. Whomever gave it almost four stars??? Comon now.

The Turning (2020)
onetoughcrowd -1 points 4 years ago.

Hello! It was a fun watch, several jumps, but if someone would kindly explain the ending to me in a private note, I’d really appreciate it thanks! :)

Virus Shark (2021)
rosenugga 3 points 3 years ago.

The only reason I gave this one star was a negative score was not an option. Ten minutes was all I could handle of the horrific acting. It was like listening to a non-english speaking robot read the lines. Never thought I would see a movie that makes Asylum look good.

onetoughcrowd 0 points 3 years ago.

True that! It was the first time I wrote such a long review like that, but necessary. Although, if anyone feels that they can tolerate more than 5 or 10 min of it, more power to em! ;)

Bad Impulse (2019)
onetoughcrowd 0 points 3 years ago.

Thoroughly enjoyable and fun. Def worth a solid one time watch.