greyfur's comments

Dark Matter (2024)
kerfy 2 points 18 days ago.

was a great show that ended way too soon..

greyfur 3 points 20 hours ago.

Was a different Dark Matter, but I totally agree.

Dark Matter (2024)
kerfy 2 points 16 hours ago.

Yeah, looks like a slow telling of a story with cliff hanger endings..i will wait for the season to be done before I watch any more.. feels like a long drawn out episode of the twilight zone.. kinda dissapointed already ..

greyfur 2 points 11 hours ago.

i liked the first one. Will watch the second one, that usually tells me a lot. Then I will follow your suggestion and wait for the rest of the season to come out and see what they did with it, and if they are going to re-up, complete it in one shot, or leave us all hanging and not renew. If they do that last, I probably won’t bother with it anymore. Tired of them doing that with me, you get all that time invested in a show for nothing. But a complete story is another thing, or knowing it will be renewed is also good.

Dark Matter (2024)
kerfy 3 points 18 hours ago.

well done.. not a new concept, sure hope they get to tell a complete strory before it gets axed.. I watched the first episode, will watch the second, then i will wait till the last episode is out.. I hate investing time into a show that is good but never gets to finish the story, or is just a series of cliffhangers with no ending.. First episode is pretty good..

greyfur 2 points 17 hours ago.

That sounds like a good idea. I watched the first one, and agree. Might also look and see if they are going to make a second season, or if they are just going to drop it at the end of the first, or if at the very least will bring it to a conclusion with one season, rather then just making one season and leaving us hanging.

2 episodes then wait and see what happens. I like that idea. Enough to see if it’s worth it, but not enough to tick you off if they screw us over….again….

NCIS (2003) S21 E10
michaelmyers 1 points 22 hours ago.

nope didnt see it going that way ‘! hummmmmmm i wonder if a certian someone will be !!!!!!!!!!!???????says no more

greyfur 1 points 20 hours ago. (Contains Spoilers)

So, O.K., got curious and looked it up, and can’t find anything definite one way or another about what’s actually happening. People keep secrets on this show a heck of a lot better then the government currently does, that’s for darn sure.🤣

Could go a couple different ways, so guess we’ll just have to watch and see…

The Rookie (2018) S6 E8
greyfur 1 points 18 hours ago.

Snap. I already know, they made this one too easy to figure out…

X-Men '97 (2024) S1 E9
hellsingfan01 3 points 12 hours ago.

Damn what an ending now begins the long wait to the final episode of series one of this fantastic show.

greyfur 1 points 10 hours ago.

I know what he’s doing there at the end…

X-Men '97 (2024) S1 E9
hellsingfan01 4 points 10 hours ago.

Keep it PG lol.

greyfur 1 points 10 hours ago.
