Dark Matter (2024)
greyfur 1 points 22 days ago.

That sounds like a good idea. I watched the first one, and agree. Might also look and see if they are going to make a second season, or if they are just going to drop it at the end of the first, or if at the very least will bring it to a conclusion with one season, rather then just making one season and leaving us hanging.

2 episodes then wait and see what happens. I like that idea. Enough to see if it’s worth it, but not enough to tick you off if they screw us over….again….

kerfy 1 points 22 days ago.

Yeah, looks like a slow telling of a story with cliff hanger endings..i will wait for the season to be done before I watch any more.. feels like a long drawn out episode of the twilight zone.. kinda dissapointed already ..